HOBHOUSE, SIRJOHN CAM (1786-1869), later Lord Brought on, an English writer and statesman, was the eldest son of Sir Benjamin Hob house. Born at Red land, near Bristol, England, on 27 June 1786, he was elected to the House of Commons from Westminster in 1820. He served in Lord Grey`s government (1832-34), in Melbourne ministry (1837-38), and Lord John Russell`s cabinet (1846-52). As president of the Board of Control, Hob house directed the Home Government`s policy towards the Punjab and the Sikhs for nearly 15 years.
JAITO MORCHA, the name given to the Akali agitation for the restoration to his throne of Maharaja Ripudaman Singh of Nabha, a Sikh princely state in the Punjab. The Maharaja had strong pro-Akali sympathies and had overtly supported the Guru ka Bagh Morcha and donned a black turban as a mark of protest against the massacre of the reformists at Nankana Sahib. His contacts with the Indian nationalist leaders and involvement in popular causes had irked the British government. On 9 July 1923, he was forced to abdicate in favour of his minor son, Partap Singh.
KARTAR SINGH, GIANT (1902-1974), Akali leader who was known for his political astuteness and for his single mindedncss of purpose and who dominated Sikh politics during the 40`s and 50`s of the 20th century, was born the son of Bhagat Singh and MaT Jio on 22 February 1902 at Chakk No. 40 Jharig Branch in Lyallpur district (now in Pakistan). The family, Jatts of Khaihra clan, originally belonged to Nagoke village in Amritsar district and had migrated to Lyallpur district when that area, formerly a wasteland known as Sandal Bar, was opened up as a canal colony towards the close of the nineteenth century. Kartar Singh received his early education in the village gurudwara and later joined Khalsa School in the neighbouring Chakk No. 41 from where he matriculated in 1921.
MIT SINGH PADHANIA (d. 1814), soldier, commander and jdgirddr under Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He was the son of Sukkha Singh Padhama, and entered the service of the Sukkarchakkia mislunder Mahari Singh, who assigned to him a^agirworth Rs 12,000 annually. In 1804, in Ranjit Singh`s reign, he had command of 500 horse. He took part in Ranjit Singh`s occupation of Lahore (1799) and distinguished himself in the Kasur (1807) and Kashmir (1814) expeditions. He was killed in action during the retreat of the Sikh forces from Kashmir in 1814. Ranjit Singh assigned to his son,Javala Singh, additional estates worth Rs 1,25,000 in HaripurGuler, in Karigra district.