DAKKHANI SIKHS or Sikhs of the Deccan, a distinctive ethnic community scattered in parts of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka, are the descendants of Punjabi Sikhs who went to the South during the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries and permanently settled in what was then the princely state of Hyderabad. The first Punjabi Sikhs to travel to the South comprised the 300strong contingent which arrived at Nanded in 1708 in the train of Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708).
HAR RAI, GURU (1630-1661), the seventh Guru of the Sikh faith, was the son of Baba Gurditta and grandson of Guru Hargobind, Nanak VI. He was born on 16 January 1630 at Kiratpur, in present day Ropar district of the Punjab. In 1640, he was married to Sulakkhani, daughter of Daya Ram of Anupshahr, in Bulandshahr district ofUttar Pradesh. He was gentle by nature and had a devout temperament. He was Guru Hargobind`s favourite grandchild, and he had been given the name of Har Rai by the Guru himself. Once, record old texts, Har Rai was returning home after his riding exercise. From a distance he saw Guru Hargobind sitting in the garden.
LAWRENCE, JOHN IAIRD MAIR (1811-1879), Governor General of India, younger brother of Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence, was born on 4 March 1811 at Richmond, in Yorkshire, England. He was educated at Bristol, Londonderry, Bath and Haileybury. In 1830, he look up appointment under the East India Company and served from 1830-46 as a civilian administrator, as magistrate and as collector of Delhi. In 1846, lie was appointed commissioner of the newly annexed Jalandhar Doab by GovernorGeneral Lord Hardinge.