MANGA, 40 km southwest of Lahore along the Lahore Multan highway, had a historic gurudwara, Chota Nankana, commemorating Guru Nanak`svisit. Guru Hargobind, Nanak VI, also halted here on hisway back from Kashmir in 1620. Served by Nirmala priests for generations, the shrine came under the management of the Shiromam Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee during the Gurdwara Reform movement, 1920-25. It had to be abandoned at the time of the partition of the Punjab in 1947.
SAHOVAL, village 8 km southwest of Sialkot (32"30`N, 74"32`E) in Pakistan, is sacred to Guru Nanak (1469-1539) who once came here travelling from Sialkot and , according to local tradition, stayed under a ber tree (Ziziphus maiiritiana) near a pond for seven days. A gurdwara was later raised here and the pond lined into a sarovar or holy tank named Nanaksar. Gurdwara Nanaksar preserved within its compound the ber tree, reverently called Ber Sahib, under which Guru Nanak is said to have halted temporarily. The shrine was abandoned at the time of the 1947 exodus following the partition of the Punjab.
SHIROMANI GURDWARA PARBANDHAK COMMITTEE, a statutory body comprising elected representatives of the Sikhs concerned primarily with the management of sacred Sikh shrines under its control within the territorial limits of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and the Union territory of Chandigarh. It originated with the Gurdwara Reform or Akali movement of the early 1920`s, which lasted until the 1925 when the Gurdwara bill was placed on the statute book. The administration of Darbar Sahib (the Golden Temple) complex had been, since the annexation of the Punjab to the British territory in 1849, controlled by the British government through a committee of Sikh aristocrats and a manager (sarbarah) appointed by the British deputy commissioner of Amritsar district.
SUCHET SINGH, RAJA (1801-1844.), the youngest of the Dogra trinity who rose to high positions at the court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, was born on 18 January 1801, the son of MIari Kishora Singh. He started his career a^ a young age, appointed to the duty of laying public petitions before the Maharaja in the wake of his elder brother, Dhian Singh, assuming, in 1818, the important office of deorhidar or chamberlain to the royal household. He lacked the political and administrative ability of his brothers, Gulab Singh and Dhian Singh, yet he won the favour of the Maharaja by his handsome bearing and engaging manner. In 1822, he was created Raja of Bandralta and Samba.