Baba Bohar (The Old Banyan Tree) is a poetic play, a long monologue. A tree personified is in conversation with the children who are playing under it; it starts with the contemporary situation in Punjab and goes back to elaborating its glorious past from the time of the Sikh Gurus upto the period of Independence, and ends with the narration about the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh. The play is important for its relevant symbolism and ample scope for imaginative staging.
PREM SINGH HOTI, BABA (1882-1954), historian and biographer, was born on 2 November 1882 at Hoti, near Mardan, in North-West Frontier Province, now part of Pakistan. His father Ganda Singh, a man of means, traced his ancestry back to Bhalla family of Goindval, in Amritsar district, to which noted Sikh savant Bhai Gurdas belonged. One of his ancestors, Baba Kahn Singh, had moved to the western frontier during the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who had granted jdgirs to his soldiers in that turbulent Pathan territory. When this northwestern region was finally annexed by the British in 1849, the jdgir which Baba Prem Singh`s father had inherited from his forefathers was confiscated.
SEVA SINGH, BHAI (1882-1945), journalist and author, was born in 1882 at Sarai Alamgir, in Gujrat district (now in Pakistan), where his father, Lal Sihgh, was a village moneylender. Passing his middle school examination from Jehlum, he trained as a junior vernacular teacher at Rawalpindi, and took up service at Khalsa Middle School, Pindi Gheb, in Attock district. Simultaneously, he started giving sermons in gurdwaras. He also wrote polemical pamphelts in Urdu to propagate Sikh teachings as well as to rebut the critical propaganda of the Arya Samajists.