NIZAM UDDIN (d. 1802), the Pathan chief of Kasur and a tributary of the Bharigi sarddrs, overthrew his allegiance to the Sikhs and submitted to Shah Zaman, the king of Afghanistan, when the latter invaded India in January 1797. Nizam udDin took possession of the forts evacuated by the Sikhs. During Shah Zaman`s next invasion in November 1798, he presented a nazar to him and entreated that he be appointed governor of the Punjab for a tribute of 5, 00, 000 rupees annually which proposition was not acceptable to the Shah. On the retirement of Shah Zaman in 1799, Nizam udDin tried in vain to persuade the Muslim citizens of Lahore to accept him as their ruler, but they rejected the proposal and invited Ranjit Singh instead to take possession of the city.
AKHBAR-I-DARBAR-I-MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH, also called Akhbari Deorhi Sardar Ranjit Singh Bahadur, is a set of Persian manuscripts comprising 193 loose sheets of unequal size and containing, as the title indicates, news of the court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh (1780-1839). These sheets are believed to be newsletters sent from the Punjab for the Peshwa Daftar at Poona (now Pune). The collection was first discovered in 1932-33 by Dr Muhammad Nazim, an officer of the Archaeological Survey of India, in the Alienation Branch of the Divisional Commissioner\'s office at Poona.
AZIZ UDDIN, FAQIR (1780-1845), physician, diplomat, and foreign minister at the court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, was the eldest son of Ghulam Mohy udDin, a leading physician of Lahore. Of his two brothers, Nur udDin held charge of the city of Lahore and had been governor of Gujrat, and Imam udDin was qilahdar (garrison commander) of the Fort of Gobindgarh. The family claims its descent from Ansari Arab immigrants from Bukhara, in Central Asia, who settled in Lahore as hakims or physicians. Hakim is the original title by which `Aziz udDin was known, the prefix Faqir appearing for the first time in the official British correspondence only after 1826.
CANORA (KANAKA), FRANCIS JOHN (1799-1848), an Irishman, inscribed in Khalsa Darbar records variously as Kenny, Kennedy and Khora. Roaming across many countries, he reached Lahore in 1831, and joined Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s artillery on a daily wage of Rs 3. Gradually, he rose to the rank of colonel, with a salary of Rs 350 per month. He continued to serve in the Sikh army after the first Anglo Sikh war (1845-46). But his loyalty to the Lahore Darbar was suspect.