KIRPAL SINGH, ARTIST (1923-1990), the creator of Sikh history in colour, was born the son of Bhagat Singh and Har Kaur in a small village Vara Chain Singhvala in Firozpur district of the Punjab on 10 December 1923. He inherited interest in art from his father who was adept in woodwork engraving, and his practical training started with drawing rough sketches in his school notebooks. He was obliged to discontinue his school studies owing to lack of means. He was forced to take up a small time appointment in the military accounts department where he served from 1942 to 1947.
PANJ GRANTHI, a pothi or small book containing five chosen texts, from the Guru Granth Sahib. The word panj means `five` and grantht is the diminutive form from granth (holy book). The Guru Granth Sahib is a large volume and can be enthroned and opened for recitation only in the prescribed ritualistic manner in gurudwaras or in a room especially set apart in a private house for this purpose. To facilitate private recitation or study of selected barns, small anthologies began to be prepared. The origin of the gutka (lit. a casket of gems; a breviary) is traced to the time of Guru Ram Das.
PHUNHK, plural of phunha, a word derived from the Sanskrit punha meaning `again`, is the name of a poetic metre in which a particular term or phrase occurs repeatedly in each chhand or may be in each verse of a poem; in the Guru Granth Sahib it is the title of a composition comprising twenty-three quatrains, following the Gdthd verses. The term repeated in Guru Arjan`s Phunhe is harihdn which is also said to be another name of the phunha poetic measure. According to a tradition, Harihari was also the name of Guru Arjan`s sisterinlaw (wife`s sister). These verses were, it is said, addressed by the Guru to her as she wanted, in compliance with a Punjabi custom, to hear some verses from the bridegroom (Guru Arjan) at the time of his marriage.
RAM DAS, GURU (1534-1581), is the fourth Guru or spiritual mentor of the Sikhs in the line of Guru Nanak, Guru Arigad and Guru Arnar Das. "Ram Das" translates as servant or slave of God (ram = God + dds slave). Blessed by Guru Amar Das with the light of Nanak and appointed Guru in 1574, Guru Ram Das carried the spiritual authority of the Sikh community for seven years, until his death in 1581. He constructed the nectar pool which surrounds Harimandar, the Golden Temple of modern day, and founded Amritsar, the holy city of the Sikhs, around it.