KHALSA BARADARI, a social organization of Sikhs belonging to backward classes, founded in 1914. The moving spirit behind it was BhaT Mahitab Sirigli Bir, whose father, Maulawi Karim Bakhsh had, along with his children, embraced Sikhism in June 1903 and become famous as Sant Lakhmir Singh. BhaT Mahitab Singh convened a meeting of the Sikhs from backward classes in 1914 in BhaT Dasaundha Singh`s dharamsald near Sri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar, at which it was resolved to establish a society called Khalsa Baradari with the object of preaching Sikh tenets among them, bring them into the Khalsa fold by administering to them the rites of amrit and reforming their social customs such as the giving of dowry and ostentatious display at weddings.
LUDHIANA (30°54`N, 75°52`E), one of the major cities in the Punjab, claims a historical shrine, Gurdwara Gau Ghat Patshala I, situated on the bank of the stream Buddha Nala. According to local tradition, Guru Nanak visited the site in the course of Ins travels during the early sixteenth century. The local chief, NawabJalal udDin Lodhl, living in the fort near by, came to pay obeisance and besought the Guru to save the town from erosion by the River Sutlej. Guru Nanak told him to be sympathetic and just towards his subjects and to leave the rest to God.
NAHAN (30° 33`N, 77° 17`E), situated on top of a ridge in the upper reaches of Markanda River, in Sirmur district of Himachal Pradesh, and formerly the capital of the princely state of Sirmur, has a historical gurdwara dedicated to Guru Gobind Singh.Guru Gobind Singh visited Nahan in 1685 on the invitation of the ruler of the state. Raja Medini Prakash. The Raja offered him land on the bank of the Yamuna to build for himself a permanent abode.
NISHAN SAHIB is the name for the tall Sikh flag which marks all gurudwaras and other religious premises of the Sikhs. Nishdn is a Persian word with multiple meanings, one of these being a flag or standard. Sahib, an Arabic word with the applied meaning of lord or master, is here used as an honorific. Thus Nishan Sahib in the Sikh tradition means the holy flag or exalted ensign. A synonymous term is Jhanda Sahib (jhandd also meaning a flag or banner). The Sikh pennant, made out of saffron coloured, occasionally out of blue coloured, mainly in the case of Nihangs, cloth is triangular in shape, normally each of the two equal sides being double of the shorter one.
PRAN SANGLI, lit. the chain of breath or vital air, is a collection of compositions, attributed to Guru Nanak but in reality apocryphal, dealing with yogic practices, particularly prdndydma or control of vital air. The original Prdn Sangli, was, in all probability, a small composition, though the now available recension, edited by Sant Sampuran Singh and published in 1898 in the Devanagri script, in three volumes by Bhai Mohan Singh Vaid, Tarn Taran, runs into more than 700 pages and contains as many as 80 chapter which, with the exception of the first few, are not closely related or coordinated.Each of these chapters is presented as an exposition by Guru Nanak of a question raised by Raja Shivnabh of Sarigladip (Sri Lanka) where Prdn Sangli is said to have been composed.