GURMAT TRACT SOCIETY, dedicated to propagating Sikh religion and history, was founded at Lahore in 1925 by Giahl Kartar Singh Piukh, who changed his pen name from "Piukh" to "Hitkari" in 1929. It published low priced monthly tracts in Punjabi, in Gurmukhi script, for distribution among the Sikh masses. The themes usually were the lives of the Gurus, Sikh teachings, Sikh shrines and persons of importance in Sikh history. The Society planned to publish books and pamphlets in LIrdu and Hindi as well.
HOME MISCELLANEOUS SERIES is a manuscript series of records in the India Office Library, London. It is not chronologically arranged, and seems to have been classified to absorb surplus or duplicate copies of records which could not be included in the regular series. Many of the papers in this series relate to Sikh affairs and they include private letters of Captain Mathews, the Deputy Commissar of Ordnance at Fatehabad to the Acting Adjutant General, C.F. Falgan. Captain Mathews, who visited Lahore in his private capacity, was treated with much consideration by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
MANMAT PRAHAR LARI (lit., a series to overcome heresy) comprises tracts written by Bhai Mohan Singh Vaid of Tarn Taran between 1903 and 1908, denouncing unSikh customs and rituals to which the Sikhs had succumbed. This had been one of the primary objectives of the Singh Sabha reform and a most forceful exponent of it was Giani Ditt Singh, a prolific writer and editor of the Khalsd Akhbdr. With his death in 1901, a vacuum occurred in the reformers` crusade against ignorance and superstition among the Sikh masses. Bhai Mohan Singh Vaid entered the arena in 1903 and attempted to fill this gap.
ENGAL SECRET AND POLITICAL CONSULTATIONS (1800-1834), a manuscript series of Indian records at the India Office Library, London. This series contains, in full, correspondence and despatches on the early British relations with the Sikhs.
GURMAT PRACHARAK LARI (series of books to propagate the Sikh way of life) was founded in 1919 at Rawalpindi by Giani Sher Singh, an adept in traditional Sikh learning and an influential political leader. In this series, Giani Sher Singh planned to publish one book every month in Punjabi and one book every quarter in Urdu on Sikh history and theology or presenting in simple translation portions of the gurbdm. The first book in this category was Giani Sher Singh`s own Guru Granth ie Panth, published in December 1919.