NARAYANA, wellknown centre, Dadu Dvara, of the Dadupanthi sect of sadhus founded by saint Dadu (15441603) of the Bhakti movement, half a kilometre from Naraina railway station and 71 km from Ajmer (26° 27`N, 74° 42`E). Guru Gobind Singh visited this Dadu Dvara in the course of his travels through Rajasthan in 1706. He was received by Mahant Jait Ram, then head of the cloister. The Guru saluted the samadh of Dadu with his arrow to which the Sikhs took exception. They said that this was contrary to his own teaching which forbade the Sikhs to bow before idols, graves and samadhs. The Guru explained that he had done it intentionally in order to test whether his Sikhs were vigilant enough to ensure strict observance of Sikh rules of conduct by all, high and low. The Sikhs imposed a fine on the Guru for this breach of religious discipline which the Guru readily paid. A platform called Thara Sahib was later constructed around the group of three banyan trees consecrated by the Guru`s brief sojourn under them. It is a marbletopped stone structure just outside the entrance to the Dadupanthi temple.
NALUCHHI, a village three kilometres west of Muzaffarabad in Pakistanoccupied Kashmir, had a gurudwara commemorating Guru Hargobind who had visited the village during his visit to Kashmir in 1620. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had made out to it a land grant worth Rs 3,000 annually. Baisakhi was observed as a religious festival in the gurudwara until its evacuation in the wake of invasion by Pakistansupported tribal raiders in October 1947.
MUKARRAMPUR. locally called Makaroripur, is 14 km from Sirhind (SOWN, 76°23`E). The village has five different historical shrines. GURDWARA PATSHAHI CHHEVIN, NAUMI ATE DASVIN is the principal Sikh shrine of Mukarrampur. The site is sacred to three of the Gurus. According to local tradition Guru Tegh Bahadur was here on the fullmoon day ofHar 1732 Bk which corresponds to 28 June 1675. Guru Gobind Singh is also believed to have stayed here for two days when, as a child, he was being escorted from Patna to Anandpur. Guru Hargobind, too, is said to have visited the village in the course of a journey through this part of the countryside. The present building was constructed during the 1940`s. Standing on a high plinth, it comprises a square hall, with a domed sanctum in the centre and a verandah around it. The Gurdwara is managed by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee through a local committee which looks after other shrines in the village as well. Special divans take place on every fullmoon day. The major festival of the year is held on the fullmoon day in the month of Har. GURDWARA SAHIB PATSHAHI 9 is situated inside the village. It is said that, while Guru Tegh Bahadur was staying under a ber tree outside the village, a couple, Mat Mari and her husband Rup Chand, supplicated him to visit their humble dwelling. The Guru granted their wish. This Gurdwara marks the site of the couple`s house. The present building, constructed in 1975, has a domed square sanctum, within a rectangular hall. GURDWARA PAHILl PATSHAHI, a mound called Isarkhel Theh, about one kilometre from the village, marks the site where Guru Nanak is said to have once stayed. The present building constructed in the early 1970`s, within a walled compound, has a square hall, with the sanctum in the middle of it. BUNGA SAHIB and SHAHiD GANJ. Both these shrines, inside the village, are connected with Banda Singh Bahadur`s attack on Sirhind in 1710. The main battle was fought at Chappar Chin, near presentday Chandigarh, but, as the Sikhs pressed on towards Sirhind, the retreating imperial troops put up some resis tance at Mukarrampur. The Mughal force was defeated, but several Sikhs fell in the action. A memorial was raised in their honour inside the village. This has since been replaced by the present Shahid Garij, a small domed square room in which the Guru Granth Sahib is seated. The Buriga Sahib, on the outskirts of the village, is of recent construction and is dedicated to Baba Banda Singh Bahadur. It consists of a single domed square room, in which the Guru Granth Sahib is seated on a low platform.
MORINDA (SOWN, 76°29`E), also called Baganvala, an old village in Ropardistrict of the Punjab, has a historical shrine called Gurdwara Shahidgarij. On 7 December 1705, as Guru Gobind Singh along with his two elder sons and a handful of disciples, was locked in an unequal battle with the besieging hordes at Chamkaur, his aged mother, Mata Gujan, and the two younger sons, betrayed by their domestic servant, Garigu, were taken into custody at Kheri (now Saheri) and brought to Morinda byJani Khan and Mani Khan, the Rarighar headmen. They were despatched the next day to Sirhind where they were bricked alive in a wall and then executed on 13 Poh 1762 Bk/ 12 December 1705 (27 December now according to new calendar). The place where they were interned at Morinda is now marked by Gurdwara Shahid Garij. At the end of 1763, the Dal Khalsa, before advancing on Sirhind, attacked and destroyed Morinda. Jani Khan and Mani Khan and their entire male progeny were killed. The Gurdwara, in the western part of the town, is said to have been built by Raja Bhup Singh of Ropar, who also donated a plot of gardenland to it. The present buildings are in a walled compound entered through a doublestoreyed gateway. The divan hall, with a square sanctum in the middle, stands on a raised base. Buildings for the langar and for residential accommodation are in a separate enclosure. The Gurdwara is administered by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee.
MOHI, village in Ludhiana district, 9 km from Jodhari (30°48`N, 75°48`E) along the Guru Gobind Singh Marg, has a shrine called Gurdwara Patshahi Dasviri, dedicated to Guru Gobind Singh. Guru Gobind Singh passed through this village on his way from Alamgir andJodhari to Hehrari at the end of 1`705. It is said that Guru Gobind Singh halted here to have a tightfitting ring removed from his finger by the village goldsmith. The present building of the Gurdwara, constructed in 1936, is a square room with a verandah on all four sides. A wide dome covers the entire room. A 33metre square walled bathing lank near by is called Sarovar Guru Sar. The shrine itself is affiliated to Gurdwara Sahib at Hehrari and is managed by a local committee under the overall charge of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee.
MEHRAJ, also spoken as Mahiraj or Marhaj, is a village 6 km northwest of Rampura Phul (30°16`N, 75°14`E) in Bathinda district founded in 1627 by Bhai Mohan (d. 1630), aJatt of the Siddhu clan, with the blessings and help of Guru Hargobind. According to Sikh tradition, Mohan with his tribe wanted to settle down in this area but the Bhullars, the local dominating tribe, resisted. Mohan sought Guru Hargobind`s blessing and succeeded in founding a village which he called Mehraj after the name of his greatgrandfather. The Bhullars tried to dislodge him, but were driven away with Guru Hargobind`s help. In the battle Guru Hargobind had to fight here against an imperial force led by Lalla Beg on 16 December 1634, he took up position around a pool of water about 3 km south of Mehraj. Sikhs, though vastly outnumbered, defeated the attacking force. Lalla Beg and several of his officers and men were killed. Guru Hargobind had them buried according to Muslim rites while he had the Sikhs fallen in action cremated. A tower subsequently raised indicates the sites where cremation and burial took place. GURDWARA CHHOTA GURUSAR TAMBU SAHIB, one kilometre southwest of the village, marks the site where Guru Hargobind had his tent (tambu, in Punjabi) set up at the time of his first visit to this place. It is a modestlooking shrine built on a low mound and managed by the village sangat. GURDWARA GURUSAR MEHRAJ marks the site Of Guru Hargobind`s camp during the battle of Mehraj. According to Cur Bilds Chhevm Pdtshdhi, Guru Hargobind had himself named this place Gurusar and declared it a place of pilgrimage, appointing a Ravidasi Sikh to look after it. The old building constructed by Maharaja Hira Singh of Nabha (18431911) was replaced during the 1980`s by the successors of Sam Gurmukh Singh Scvavale. Tlie new building, inside a walled compound, comprises a highccilingcd assembly hall, with the sanctum in the middle marked off by massive square columns and wide arches. Above the sanctum is a domed pavilion lined with glazed tiles and topped by a goldplated pinnacle and an umbrellashaped finial with a khandd at the apex. Domed kiosks adorn the hall corners. The Gurdwara, endowed with 250 acres of land, is affiliated to the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee. People from the surrounding villages throng for a dip in the holy sarovar on every Monday.
MALVA, not to be mixed with a tract of this name in Central India, is one of the three main divisions of the present Punjab state of India, the other two being Majha and Doaba. It is in the shape of a rough parallelogram lying between 29°-30 and 31°-10 North latitudes and 73°-50 and 76°-50\' East longitudes, bounded by the River Sutlej in the north, Haryana in the east and the south, Rajasthan in the southwest corner, and by Bahawalpur state of Pakistan in the west. Malva comprises eleven of the seventeen administrative districts of the Punjab, viz., Firozpur, Faridkot, Moga, Muktsar, Bathinda, Sangrur, Mansa, Ludhiana, Patiala, Fatehgarh Sahib and Ropar excluding its Nurpur Bedi tahsil or sub-division which falls across the Sutlej and geographically lies in the Doaba region. G.A. Grierson, Linguistic Survey of India, Vol. IX, Part I, who based his demarcation on the spoken dialect Malvai, would exclude the present Patiala, Fatehgarh Sahib and Ropar districts and part of Ludhiana district from Malva because of a different dialect, Povadhi, spoken there. But because of demographical changes consequent upon partition of the country (1947) and subsequent allocation of a major part of Povadhi-speaking area to the newly created state of Haryana (1966), it is not inappropriate to call the entire cis Sutlej tract of the present Punjab as Malva. Malva is a dialectical variation of the Sanskrit word Mallava which was the name of an ancient tribe (Malloi of the Greek accounts) who challenged, though unsuccessfully, the might of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC and might have later migrated to the south of the Sutlej, giving the name Malva, the land of the Mallavas, to their new homeland. With an area of 32,808 square km and a population of 11,817,142 (1991 census), Malva is the largest region of the present Punjab. It has 65.1 per cent of the total area and 58.5 per cent of the total population 360.1 per square km against 401 per square km for the entire state. The density of population district-wise varies vastly between Ludhiana (629) and Firozpur (272). Till the latter part of the nineteenth century, Malva, leaving aside a narrow strip along the Sutlej, was an arid semi-desert covered with slow-growing trees such as van (Quercus incana) and jand (Prosopis spicigera) and thorny bushes like karir (Capparis aphylla) and malha beri, a kind of jujube. Although by and large a plain country, the region, especially its southern and southwestern parts, had become undulated with mounds of sand blown in from Rajasthan by southwesterly winds. Cultivation was almost entirely dependent upon rain which was erratic and usually scanty. Introduction of canal irrigation with the renovation of Sirhind canal initiated a change which, strengthened by later developments, especially the harnessing of water resources and the availablity of cheap hydro-electricity, culminated in intensive agriculture of the 1960\'s and the following decades, and transformed the face of Malva and helped make Punjab the granary of India. The hardy farmers of the region including those brought here in the aftermath of the partition of the country in 1947 have converted the former forest and sandy mounds into neatly marked lush green farmlands. Major crops grown are wheat, paddy, cotton and oil seeds, sugarcane, cultivation picking up rapidly since the beginning of the 1980\'s. This coupled with the growth of small and medium-scale industry, though at a slower pace, has brought in prosperity which in turn is resulting in a perceptible change for the better in education and cultural fields, although literacy rate (45.6 per cent) still lags behind the state average (49.2 per cent). As in the case of density of population, there is vast variation also in district-wise literacy rate which ranges between 57.2 per cent for Ludhiana (highest in the state) and 32.8 per cent for Sangrur. Yet, of the three universities in the state, two are located in Malva-Punjab Agricultureal University at Ludhiana and Punjabi University at Patiala, besides an autonomous college of engineering and technology at Patiala. Similarly, of the four medical colleges in the whole of Punjab three are located in the Malva region. In the industrial field, Malva, with its two huge thermal plants, one each at Bathinda and Ropar, and industrial complexes at Ludhiana, Rajpura, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar (Mohali) and Mandi Gobindgarh, is far ahead of the other two regions. According to 1991 census figures, of the ten Punjab towns having a population of over 100,000 each, five lie in Malva. Ludhiana (1, 012, 062, persons) is the most populous city in the state. Malva\'s part in the history of the Sikhs dates back to the time of Guru Nanak, whose peregrinations also covered this ancient land. Guru Angad\'s birthplace, Sarai Nanga, lies in the Malva. Guru Hargobind, Guru Har Rai, Guru Tegh Bahadur and Guru Gobind Singh travelled extensively through this area. Many eminent Sikhs such as Bhai Bhagatu, Bhai Bahilo and Bhai Mani Sihgh came from Malva. The years following the death in 1708 of Guru Gobind Sihgh were the most turbulent period of the history of the Sikhs when the Mughal governors of the Punjab and later the Afghan invaders had let loose a reign of terror and religious persecution against the Sikhs. The jungles of Malva, with their comparative inaccessibility on account of shortage of water and other scarcities impeding large-scale operations, provided the warring Sikh bands from across the Sutlej with a natural sanctuary. Some local Sikh sardars, descendants of Bhai Phul blessed by Guru Hargobind and Guru Har Rai and collectively known as Phulkiari misl, carved out territories over which they ruled as independent or semi-independent chiefs. This is how the former Sikh states of Patiala, Nabha, Jind, Faridkot, Kalsia, Kaithal and Ladva came into existence. When Maharaja Ranjit Singh rose to power north of the Sutlej and started amalgamating other misi territories to his own dominions, the states south of the Sutlej known as cis Sutlej states, sought protection under the British, whose suzerainty they accepted. They became tributaries of the British empire while the districts of Ludhiana and Firozpur came under the latter\'s direct rule. Of these Sikh states, Kaithal lapsed to the British dominions on the death, without a male heir, of its last ruler, Bhai Udai Singh, in 1845, and Ladva was annexed as a punishment to its ruler, Sardar Ajit Singh, for his open support to Sikh government of Lahore during the first Anglo-Sikh war (1845-46). The remaining five Punjab Sikh states and the Muslim state of Malerkotla continued to exist till after the independence of India, 1947. In May 1948, they in combination with Kapurthala in the Doaba region and the submountainous Hindu state of Nalagarh formed themselves into what was called the Patiala and East Punjab States Union, PEPSU for short. In 1956 PEPSU was amalgamated with the Punjab, which was further split into Haryana and the Punjabi speaking state of the Punjab on 1 November 1966.
MADHO SINGHANA is a village 15 km south of Sirsa in Haryana. Guru Gobind Singh after leaving Sirsa towards the South made his first halt here. As the village was totally populated by Muslims, no memorial shrine existed until a lone Nihang Singh established a gurdwara during the 1970\'s along the road leading to Ellenabad.
KOTKAPURA (30°35`N, 74°49`E), town in FarTdkot district of the Punjab, was founded by Ghaudhari Kzpura (d. 1708), a Brar chief in the country south of the River Sutlej and an ancestor of the Faridkot family. When after evacuating Anandpur Guru Gobind Singh arrived here in December 1705 pursued by the fuujddr of Sirhind, Kapura met him with presents and provided him with a guide to lead him to the pool of Khidrana, now Muktsar, across a waterless waste. Chaudhari Kapura, who subsequently had himself initiated into the Khalsa fold receiving the name of Kapur Singh, wa.s assassinated in 1708 by Tsa Khan, Marijii Rajput chief of Kol Tse Khan in Firozpur district. His grandson, Jodh Singh, built a fort near Kot Kapura in 1766, but fell the following year in a battle with Raja Amar Singh of Patiala. Kot Kapura eventually came under the control of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and was restored to tlie Faridkot family only in 1847. Gurdwara Sahib Patshahl Dasviri, in the middle of the town, marks the site where Guru Gobind Singh had put up camp on reaching here in 1705. The present building, the cornerstone of which was laid by Raja Harindar Singh of Faridkot on 30 January 1937, comprises an octagonal sanctum in the centre of a highceilingcd, marblefloored hall which has an octagonal interior but looks squareshaped from the outside with only its corners slightly slashed to give it four additional sides. A large semiglobular dome covers the entire sanctum and a verandah encircles the hall. The sarovarat the back is also octagonal in shape. The Gurdwara is managed by Niharigs of the Buddha Dal.
KOLAYAT, popularly pronounced Kulait, a town 52 km southwest of Bikaner (28"04`N, 73021`E), is famous for a temple dedicated to Kapila Muni, an ancient Hindu sage to whom the Sankhya system of philosophy is attributed. According to Sikh chroniclers, Guru Nanak visited Kolayat. Guru Gobind Singh, at the time of his travels through Rajasthan, is said to have stayed here for twelve days. Here Bhai Daya Singh and Bhai Dharam Singh, who had been to Ahmadnagar to deliver to Emperor Aurahgzib the Zafamamah, the Guru`s letter in Persian verse, rejoined him. However, no Sikh shrine existed here until 1968 when some Sikh residents of the area, led by a Sikh colonizer of Kolayat, acquired a plot of land and constructed a Gurudwara. The Gurudwara is a modest oneroom building with a paved platform all around it. Sikh settlers of the surrounding area gather to celebrate Guru Nanak`s birth anniversary on the fullmoon day of Kartik (OctoberNovember) every year.