PUNJAUB, THE, which according to its subtitle, is a brief account of the country of the Sikhs, its extent, history, commerce, productions, government, manufactures, laws, religion, etc., was written by Lieut Colonel Henry Steinbach, a European officer in the Khalsa army, and was first published by Smith, Edder, & Co., Cornhill, London, in 1845. It was reprinted by the Languages Department, Punjab, in 1970. The author was an eyewitness, during his seven year stay among the Sikhs (1838-45), to the cataclys mic events which overtook the Punjab following the death of Ranjit Singh
STEINBACH, HENRY, a Prussian, was one of the many European adventurers who secured employment in the Punjab under Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his successors. Steinbach joined the Sikh infantry in 1836 as a battalion commander on a starting salary of Rs 600 per month, increased to Rs 800 by 1841. He was charged with training his battalion on the British model. From 1838 to 1841, Steinbach was posted at Peshawar.