IMAM UDDIN, FAQIR (d. 1847), second son of Ghulam Mohly udDTn and younger brother of Faqir `Azi/ udDin, foreign minister to Maharaja Ranjit Singh, was Qiladar or garrison commander of the Gobindgarh Fort at Amritsar, where the bulk of the Sikh crown jewels was kept in deposit. Capable and scholarly. Imam udDin was entrusted with multifarious duties by the Maharaja. He virtually acted as the chief treasurer of the kingdom, authorizing payments on behalf of the Darbar and carrying out commercial transactions through casli and hund is for the purchase of grain.
IMAM UDDIN, SHAIKH (1819-1859), who succeeded his father, Shaikh Ghulam Mohly udDin, as governor of the Sikh province of Kashmir in 1845, had earlier served under Kanvar Nau Nihal Singh in the Derajat and had in 1840 assisted his father in the campaign against Mandi. In April 1841, when a mutiny occurred in Kashmir, Maharaja Sher Singh ordered his father, Sheikh Ghulam Mohiy udDin, then governor of the Jalandhar Doab, to proceed to Kashmir to take charge of the province and restore order. Shaikh Imam udDin was then appointed governor of the Jalandhar Doab. When in September 1843, Wazir Hira Singh had Bhai Gurmukh Singh and Misr Belt Ram arrested, he handed them over to Shaikh Imam udDin for custody.
NIZAM UDDIN (d. 1802), the Pathan chief of Kasur and a tributary of the Bharigi sarddrs, overthrew his allegiance to the Sikhs and submitted to Shah Zaman, the king of Afghanistan, when the latter invaded India in January 1797. Nizam udDin took possession of the forts evacuated by the Sikhs. During Shah Zaman`s next invasion in November 1798, he presented a nazar to him and entreated that he be appointed governor of the Punjab for a tribute of 5, 00, 000 rupees annually which proposition was not acceptable to the Shah. On the retirement of Shah Zaman in 1799, Nizam udDin tried in vain to persuade the Muslim citizens of Lahore to accept him as their ruler, but they rejected the proposal and invited Ranjit Singh instead to take possession of the city.
RUKN UDDIN. QAZI or QADI (Rukan Din of the Janam Sakhis), supposed to be a shrine caretaker, chanced to meet Guru Nanak during his visit to Mecca. The Purdtan Janam Sdkht narrates the story: "It had been inscribed in books beforehand that Nanak, a dervish, would come. Then water would rise in the wells of Mecca. The Guru entered the holy precincts. He lay down in the colonnade to rest.
AZIZ UDDIN, FAQIR (1780-1845), physician, diplomat, and foreign minister at the court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, was the eldest son of Ghulam Mohy udDin, a leading physician of Lahore. Of his two brothers, Nur udDin held charge of the city of Lahore and had been governor of Gujrat, and Imam udDin was qilahdar (garrison commander) of the Fort of Gobindgarh. The family claims its descent from Ansari Arab immigrants from Bukhara, in Central Asia, who settled in Lahore as hakims or physicians. Hakim is the original title by which `Aziz udDin was known, the prefix Faqir appearing for the first time in the official British correspondence only after 1826.
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