SUNDAR SINGH JATHEDAR, BHAI (1869-1921), one of the Nankana Sahib martyrs, was the son of Bhai Bishan Singh and Mai Indar Kaur of village Dhudial, in Jalandhar district. His ancestors came from Bandala village in Amritsar district where they had served in the chief ship of Sardar Baghel Singh of the Karorsirighia misl. Sundar Singh learnt Gurmukhi in the village gurdwara and fondly recited passages from the Sikh texts. He had received the vows of the Khalsa at Sri Anandpur Sahib and had since punctiliously observed die Khalsa rahit. On 19 February 1921, as the call for action came, he led out a 15 strong jataa and joined Bhai Lachhman Singh Dharovali`s men on their way to Nankana Sahib.
VAIROKE, village 3 km west of Lopoke, in Amritsar district of the Punjab, claims a historical shrine sacred to Guru Nanak, who once visited it during his travels through these parts. According to local tradition, the Guru, sitting here on a dead her tree trunk discoursed with a Muslim faqir, Shah Bakhtiar, whose tomb now stands on the eastern outskirts of the village. Gurdwara Babe di Ber Sahib, or simply Ber Sahib, marking the site still has two her trees which are believed to have sprouted from the log on which Guru Nanak had sat. The present building, a square room with the sanctum in the middle, was constructed in 1920. Above the sanctum are two storeys of square rooms topped by a lotus dome w^ith a gilded pinnacle. Divans, accompanied by Guru ka Langar, mark the observance of every full moon day.
The Gurdwara Aaduporh is a historical shrine commemorating the visit of Guru Hargobind Ji. Guru Ji came to the site while riding his horse, where now the present Gurdwara Sahib stands. At this place Guru Ji met a holyman whose name was Aadu and asked him about the well being of the villagers. Aadu apprised GuruJi that the village faces acute water problem hence the village development was suffering .On hearing the problem, it so happened that Guru Ji’s horse struck on the ground with Porh (Horses hoof) and then water started pouring out of the earth.