MAN or mana, from Skt. manas (mind or psyche), is one of the major operational con cepts in Indian thought involved in the process of apprehending facts and reacting to situations and stimuli, as also the cause of bandh (bondage/attachment). `Mind` is the nearest English rendering of `man`, though the two are not perfectly synonymous, Whereas `mind` is a comprehensive term subsuming all mental functions, man has a narrower connotation in that its functions mainly relate to (i) the indns (sense organs and motor organs) and (ii) emotions, such as sukh (pleasure) and dukh (pain), hit (good) and ahit (bad), grief and anger.
MARU VAR, Guru Arjan`s composition in the Maru musical measure in the Guru Granth Sahib. Traditionally, Maru which gives the Vdr its title is elegiac verse and is commonly sung in the afternoon. This measure has a martial undertone as well. The singing of Maru rdga with devotion annuls the five evils, says Guru Arjan. The Maru Vdr comprises twenty-three pauns, or stanzas; each of eight lines, with a running rhyme. Each paun is preceded by three slokas or couplets, all of which arc also the composition of Guru Arjan. For slokas Guru Arjan has in fact used the word dakhne, a form especially popular in southwestern Punjab, the dialect of which region here predominates.
MAYA, written and pronounced in Punjabi as maid. As a philosophic category in the Indian tradition, Maya is interpreted variously as a veil or curtain concealing reality; the phenomenal world as it appears over against things in themselves; the grand illusion or the cosmic principle of illusion. Maya is assumed to stand between man and reality, producing error and illusion in the human mind, and creating difficulties in the individual`s progress to a state of knowledge and bliss. The Advailic conception of Maya endows it with unique and matchless powers.
ALAHNIAN, Guru Nanak\'s composition in measure Vadahans in the Guru Granth Sahib. Alahni, generally used in its plural form alahnian, is a dirge wailingly sung in chorus by women mourning the death of a relation. Etymologically, the word means an utterance in praise (of the departed person). The sorrowful singing of alahnian is part of the mourning custom of siapa. The women assemble at the house of the dead person and cry aloud beating their breasts while standing, or sit together and bewail.
MAYYA, BHAI, a Khullar Khatri, is mentioned among the prominent Sikhs of the time of Guru Ram Das. According to Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid, Bhai Mayya along with Bhai Japa and Bhai Nayya, both of the Khullar clan, and Bhai Tulsa, a Vohra Khatri, once waited upon Guru Ram Das and humbly spoke, "Tell us, True Lord, how to practise uddsi, how to be non attached while still being in the world." Guru Ram Das said, "Occupy yourself with gurbdm, even as you occupy yourself with the affairs of the world. As you read the Gurus` hymns or as you listen to the Gurus` hymns being recited, keep your attention on their meaning. Keep reciting Wahiguru even as you work with your hands.
ANJULIA (N), by Guru Arjan, is a short composition comprising two hymns entered in the Guru Granth Sahib under Maru musical measure (GG, 1019). This word anjulia (n) is the plural form of Sanskrit anjuli which means the joining together of palms in supplication, reverence or salutation. The word anjulian in its plural sense has been used in the title perhaps because the composition comprises two hymns. It contains prayer to God seeking from Him the gift of nam, i.e meditation on His Name or constant remembrance or repetition of His Name. Everything in this world happens by His Will and those who are favoured by Him practise nam in holy company (sangat).
MIAN MITTHA, a Muslim holyman living in a village which came to be called Kotia Miari Mittha in the present Sialkot district of Pakistan Punjab, met Guru Nanak as the latter was passing through his village. The two held a discourse. According to Purdtan Janam Sdkhi, Miari Mittha observed that only two names are supreme and venerable, the first that of God and the second that of the Prophet, to which Guru Nanak replied, "The first name is that of God, so many prophets are at His Gate." To Mittha`s two further questions, "How can a lamp burn without oil? (meaning thereby how light of God is possible without the intermediary Prophet)" and "How shall man obtain a seat in God`s court?" Guru Nanak replied by singing a hymn in Siri measure to the accompaniment of Mardana`s rebeck.
ACROSTIC :At the age of seven Guru Nanak went to school and the schoolmaster wrote the alphabet on a wooden tablet for Nanak. After just one day Nanak copied the alphabet from memory and made an acrostic on the alphabet. The acrostic called the Patti or tablet in the Rag Asa, is as follows: The One Lord who created the world is the Lord of all. Fortunate is their advent into the world. whose hears remain attached to God\'s service.
MOH, from Sanskrit root muh meaning "to become stupefied, to be bewildered or perplexed, to err, to be mistaken," stands in ancient texts for perplexity or confusion as also for the cause of confusion, that is, avidyd or ajndna (ignorance or illusion). In another context, it stands for "the snare of worldly illusion, infatuation." Its function is twofold: it bedims the discernment of truth, prevents the discernment of reality, and it creates an error of judgement or leads to wrong knowledge (mithya jndna). Men believe in an eternal reality of their own existence or ego; they see truth in what is false and seek happiness in what begets suffering.
AVTAR SINGH AZAD Avtar Singh \'Azad\', (1906 - 1972) the minor Punjabi poet, is not deserving of notice. Before independence, he had published four collections of poems, Swant Bundan (Drops of Bliss), Savan Pinghan (The Swings of Savan), Vishva Vedna (Plight of the World) and Kansoan (Intimations), and published a translation of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam under the title of Khayyam Khumari (Inebriations of Khayyam). His style is rhetorical in the way of most Urdu poetry.