JAND SAHIB, GURDWARA, dedicated to Guru Gobind Singh, is situated within the revenue limits of Virevala Kalari village, 25 km west of Faridkot (30°40`N, 74°45`E) in the Punjab. This is believed to be the place where, according to Mdlvd Desk Ratan di Sdkhi Potht, Guru Gobind Singh, during his travels through the Malva country, rested awhile in the forest under a ber tree. The name Jand Sahib was given it later, probably because of the abundance of jand trees (Prosopis spicigera) in the forest.
The present building was constructed during the 1970`s through kdrsevd or voluntary service by followers of San t Gurmukh Singh. Located in a walled compound entered through a magnificent gateway, the sanctum is in the middle of a square, marblefloored hall. Above it is a lotus dome lined with white glazed tiles, and in the rear a pavilion used as a divan hall for bigger gatherings, usually on newmoon days. Guru ka Larigar is in a separate, but adjacent, compound.
References :
1. Mdlvd Desk Ratan di Sdklu Pothl. Amritsar, 1968
2. Tara Singh, Sri Cur Tirath Sangrahi. Amritsar, n.d.