GURU NANAK SARBSAMPRADAI CONFERENCE, 1934, convened at Bhaini Sahib, centre of the Namdhari Sikhs, on 13 and 14 October 1934 at the instance of Baba Partap Singh, the Namdhari chief, with the primary object of forging unity among various Sikh sects following the teachings of Guru Nanak. Almost all the Sikh sects were represented at the Conference which was presided over by BhaT Arjan Singh of Bagariari. Svami Raj Tirath and Sant Hari Das attended the conference on behalf of the Udasis and Pandit Man Singh Shastri, Mahant Kishan Singh and Mahant Hakam Singh on behalf of the Nirmalas.The Scvapan this were represented by Pandit Nischal Singh and Mahant Gurbakhsh Singh and the Namdharis by Atma Singh of Rawalpindi, Nidhan Singh Alam and Sant Indar Singh ChakravartI, besides Baba Partap Singh himself.
ROUND TABLE CONFERENCES, held in London during 1930-32, were a series of high level meetings attended by representatives of the British government, rulers of Indian princely states and leaders of public opinion in British India to discuss proposals for introducing further constitutional reforms in India on the basis of the Simon Commission`s report. The adjectival term `round table`, reminding one of the Arthurian legends, has been defined as "pertaining to a conference, discussion or deliberation in which each participant has equal status.
PANOPLY. To have established precise standards of regal usage and hospitality was remarkable for one born to a small worldly inheritance. Ranjit Singh`s patrimony did not amount to more than a few villages precariously held in those turbulent days, and his authority scarcely coincided with any recognizable or settled geographical demarcation. He carved out sovereignty for himself in his own lifetime after a protracted and bitter struggle, but the tradition of noble pomp and splendour he set up was unmatched by royalties of much older origin.
AHLUVALIA MISL. See also MISLS Ahluvalia Misl was one of the twelve misls or Sikh confedracies which had gained power in the Punjab during the latter half of the eighteenth century, derived its name from the village of Ahlu, in Lahore district, founded by a Kalal or distiller of wine, named Sadao. One of his descendants, Badar Singh, married the sister of Bagh Singh Hallovalla, who had received the rites of the Khalsa at the hands of Nawab Kapur Singh and who had come to acquire considerable means and influence.
PUNJAB BOUNDARY COMMISSION was one of the two high powered panels set up under Governor General Lord Mountbatten`s partition plan of 3 June 1947 (the other one being the Bengal Boundary Commission) to divide the Punjab between India and Pakistan, the two new states that were being carved out. The almost universal support of Muslim masses to the Muslim League at the elections held during the winter of 1945-46 had reinforced the League`s demand for an independent Pakistan, comprising the six provinces of Bengal and Assam in the east and the Punjab, the North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan in the northwest.
AZAD PUNJAB scheme, signifying a major shift in the kinds of political strategies to be pursued by Sikh political leadership in their efforts to enhance the political influence of their community, was a crucial turning point in the development of modern Sikh politics. With the introduction of the Montagu Chelmsford Reforms of 1919, politics became preeminently focussed on the legislature. Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims all saw the legislative council as the principal political arena for gaining and maintaining communal advantages; and the communal allocation of seats in the council was the dominant political issue in the Punjab during the 1920`s and much of the 1930`s.Under the Reforms, Sikhs who comprised 13 per cent of the total population of the Punjab, were allocated 18 per cent of the seats; and Muslims, who comprised a majority of the population (55 per cent), 50 per cent of the seats.
HARSARAN DAS was news writer of the British government at the Sikh capital of Lahore who sent his reports to the political agent at Ludhiana. His despatches cover the period of political turmoil at Lahore from the death of Karivar Nau Nihal Singh, 8 November 1840, to the assassination of Maharaja Sher Singh, 15 September 1843. He refers to the differences that arose between the Sikh Darbar and the British government, particularly on account of the Darbar`s plans to occupy the two frontier territories of Swat and Buner. Harsaran Das had reported in his diaries that Sikhs had received a secret agent from Nepal and that the Gorkha general, Matabar Singh, had paid a clandestine visit to Lahore.
SAKA PANJA SAHIB, the heroic event which took place at Hasan Abdal railway station, close to the sacred shrine of Pahja Sahib on the morning of 30 October 1922 and which has since passed into folklore as an instance of Sikh courage and resolution. A nonviolent morcha or agitation to assert the right to felling trees for Guru ka Langar from the land attached to Gurdwara Guru ka Bagh in Amritsar district, already taken over from the priests by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee after a negotiated set dement, had started on 8 August 1922. At first Sikh volunteers were arrested and tried for trespass, but from 25 August police resorted to beating day after day the batches of Sikhs that came.This went on till 13 September when, on the intervention of the Punjab Governor, the beating stopped and the procedure of arrests resumed.