WELLESLEY PAPERS. Private correspondence and letters of Lord Wellesley, Governor General of India (1798-1805), at the British Library and Museum, London, important for the light it throws on British policy towards the cis Sutlej region and towards the Sikh Darbar. Part of this correspondence relating to the Afghan threat to British India in the closing decade of the eighteenth century has been published in Martin R. Montogomery`s The Despatches, Minutes and Correspondence of the Marquess of Wellesley (London, 183637, 5 volumes), and R.P. Pearse`s Memoirs (London, 1846, 3 vols.).
The correspondence dealing with Shah Zaman`s apprehended invasion of India was published in the Blue Book, XV (ii), 1806. Some of the important documents in the Wellesley Papers are correspondence with the President, Board of Control, regarding the possibility of a Sikh Afghan coalition for an invasion of Delhi and Oudh (1798) ; letters and Home Government despatches to Wellesley pertaining to the possible Sikh Afghan French Tipu Maratha combination against the British Indian Government and the latter`s measures to counteract the apprehended threat (1798-99).
References :
1. Hasrat, B.J., The Punjab Papers. Hoshiarpur, 1970