TARAPUR, a village 5 km east of Anandpur (310 14N, 760 31`E) in Ropar district of the Punjab, is sacred to Guru Gobind Singh, who constructed a fortress here after his return from Paonta in 1688. He also had a baoli (open well with steps leading down to water level) dug to ensure supply of water for the garrison. The Taragarh Fort, one of a chain of defensive fortifications of Anandpur, is no longer in existence.
AGRA (27°10\'N, 78°\'E), became the seat of a Sikh sangat following a visit by Guru Nanak during the first of his four long preaching journeys. Later, Guru Ram Das, in his early career as Bhai Jetha, was in Agra when he attended Akbar\'s court on behalf of Guru Amar Das, Nanak III. Guru Tegh Bahadur, Nanak IX, passed through the city on his way to the eastern parts in 1665-66. Guru Gobind Singh, the last of the Gurus, also visited Agra when he met Emperor Bahadur Shah in 1707-08.