GILL KALAN, village 3 km east of Rampura Phul (30°16`N, 75°14`E) in Bathinda district of the Punjab, has...
LUDHIANA (30°54`N, 75°52`E), one of the major cities in the Punjab, claims a historical shrine, Gurdwara Gau Ghat Patshala I, situated on the bank of the stream Buddha Nala. According to local tradition, Guru Nanak visited the site in the course of Ins travels during the early sixteenth century. The local chief, NawabJalal udDin Lodhl, living in the fort near by, came to pay obeisance and besought the Guru to save the town from erosion by the River Sutlej. Guru Nanak told him to be sympathetic and just towards his subjects and to leave the rest to God.
PADHANA, pronounced Bharhana, a village barely half a kilometre on the Pakistan side of the IndoPak border, is sacred to Guru Hargobind (1595-1694) who once stayed here during his journey from Lahore to Amritsar. The historical Gurdwara Patshahi VI commemorating the Guru`s visit remained affiliated to the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee until it was abandoned consequent upon the partition of the Punjab in 1947.