DHAND, village 15 km southwest of Amritsar (31° 38`N, 74° 52`E) along the ChhehartaJhabal road, is sacred to Guru Hargobind (1595-1644), who once came here to fulfil the wish of an old Sikh, Bhai Langaha. Gurdwara Patshahi Chhevin commemorating the visit stands on the southern outs kirts of the village. Its present building was constructed by Sant Gurmukh Singh Sevavale in 1929. The Guru Granth Sahib is seated on a canopied seat of white marble in the doublestoreyed sanctum in the middle of the divan hall.
Two Nishan Sahibs, flags, stand at the entrance of the hall, one on each side. The Gurdwara is managed by the local sangat. Special divans take place on nomoon days and an annual fair is held on amavasya, the last day of the dark half of the lunar month of Bhadon (AugustSeptember). DHANASARI. See SIKH DEVOTIONAL MUSIC