Later, a small gurdwara was established in a mud hut where an annual religious fair was held to celebrate the festival of Basant Panchami. The present building was constructed on the old site in the 1960`s. It consists of a semioctagonal sanctum with a square hall in front of it. The sanctum has a domed octagonal room above it. Besides the Gurdwara, the walled compound has within it rooms for pilgrims, Guru ka Larigar, and a sarovar.
The Gurdwara owns 14 acres of land and is affiliated to the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee. Special gatherings take place on the fifth day of the light half of each lunar month and on important anniversaries on the Sikh calendar. An Akali politician who belonged to this village made himself famous as Jagir Singh Phagguvalia (1899-1974) for his steadfast work for his party.
References :
1. Kahn Singh, Gurushabad Ratnakar Mahan Kosh. Patiala 1981