GANA The Ganas, Gandharvas, Siddhas and saints…are engaged in uttering the infinite Praises of the Unapproachable and Unfathomab\'” Lord. (Devgandhari M. 5, p. 535) The Ganas and Gandharvas were emancipated through the remembrance of the Name of the Lord….. (Malar M. 3, p. 1259) Ganas or Gana-Devatas are the troops of deities. Nine classes of Ganas are Adityas, Viswe-devas, Vasus, Tushitas, Abhaswaras, Anilas, Maharajikas, Sadhyas and Rudras. These are inferior deities and are attendant upon god Shiva. The Lord of these Ganas is Ganesha (or Gana-pati), who, according to one legend, sprang from the scurf of the body of Parvati; and who is the god of wisdom and remover of obstacles.

References :

1. Kohli, Surindar Singh (ed), Dictionary of Mythological References in Guru Granth Sahib, 1993
