BHAGAT- Bhagat has roots in the word Bhaj or Bhakt, which means divided (into self and the \'other\'; this \'other\' may be a god or the Almighty) or sacrificed (into pieces for some god or for the Almighty); hence, Bhagat is one who is devoted to some god or the Almighty. The word Bhagt has also been traced to the word Bhaj (to adore, honour, love, revere etc.). It has another root: Bhagvata (devotee of Bhagwan). According to Sikhism, a Bhagat is one who is devoted to the Almighty.
QUDRAT (spelled qudrati in gurbani), a term adopted by Guru Nanak from the Arabic and given a philosophical signification and connotation which, to some extent but with different shades of sense, had till then been conveyed by the milenniaold Indian words prakriti and mdyd. Qudrat, in Arabic, literally means power, might. In the Turkish language, the word came to mean power, strength, omnipotence of God, as also Creation. The same term, in Persian, denotes power, potency, authority of God, the Creation, Universe, Nature.
TABI DARI, lit. subordination or obedience, was a system of non proprietory but permanent and hereditary land tenure during Sikh rule in the Punjab. The holders of tabi`dan tenure were equivalent to those who since Mughal times had been known as muzari ariimaurusi or occupancy tenants. It was prevalent in villages that formed part of permanent jagirs such as dharmarth or charity, madadima `ash or subsistence, and in`am or reward grants and in pattidan holdings. Grantees of such jagirs who were called mu`afidars enjoyed, in addition to a specified part or whole of the revenue income of their lands, some additional rights over their tenants.