
Sikh theology is a profound and unique blend of spirituality, ethics, and philosophy, rooted in the teachings of the ten Sikh Gurus and encapsulated in the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhism. It emphasizes monotheism, equality, humility, and service to humanity.
bhana manana

Discover Bhana Mannana in Sikhism, the art of accepting the Divine Will with grace, fostering resilience and faith in everyday life.


Discover the Paramdrtha, the supreme meaning in Sikh texts, rooted in Guru Nanak's life stories and unfolding through historical Sikh exegesis.


BHAGAT- Bhagat has roots in the word Bhaj or Bhakt, which means divided (into self and the \'other\'; this \'other\' may be a god or the Almighty) or sacrificed (into pieces for some god or for the Almighty); hence, Bhagat is one who is devoted to some god or the Almighty. The word Bhagt has also been traced to the word Bhaj (to adore, honour, love, revere etc.). It has another root: Bhagvata (devotee of Bhagwan). According to Sikhism, a Bhagat is one who is devoted to the Almighty.


Explore the profound concept of 'Sant', a term of spiritual significance representing holiness and benevolence in Bhakti and Sikh traditions.

panj khands

FIVE KHANDS or Panj Khands, lit. realms (panj == five, khand == region or realm), signifies in the Sikh tradition the five stages of spiritual progress leading man to the Ultimate Truth. The supporting text is a fragment from Guru Nanak`s Japu, stanzas 34 to 37. The Five Realms enumerated therein are dharam khand, the realm of righteous action (pauri 34), gian khand, the realm of knowledge (pauri 35), saram khand, the realm of spiritual endeavour (pauri 36), karam khand, the realm of grace, and sach khand the realm of Truth (pauri 37).


Explore the rich history and beliefs of Sikhism, from its Sanskrit origins to the teachings of Guru Nanak, highlighting unity, devotion, and equality.


GOD, a term used to denote any object, of worship or evocation, signifies the belief of most modern religions in the existence of a Supreme Being who is the source and support of the spatio temporal material world. Theologians remember Him by the name of God. The fundamental belief of Sikhism, too, is that God exists, not merely as an idea or concept, but as a Real Being, indescribable yet not unknowable. The Gurus, however, never theorized about proofs of the existence of God. For them He is too real and obvious to need any logical proof.


Dive into the concept of Sunn, a pivotal aspect of Buddhist philosophy, exploring its roots and significance in depicting the nature of emptiness and void.

granthi gurukirn khalsa

Discover the unique role of Granthi in Sikhism, a custodian of the Guru Granth Sahib, blending piety and community service without priestly ordination.


Discover the rich history and influence of tika, from ancient Indian texts to Sikh scriptural commentaries such as the renowned Faridkot Tika.

4 years Ago

Explore the deeper meaning of Aarti in Hinduism and Sikhism, where true worship goes beyond rituals and embraces the beauty of nature and truth.

4 years Ago

Explore the profound concept of Aatma and its connection to Paramaatma, God, and the transcendental self in Sikh and Hindu philosophies.


Explore the distinctive and largely unknown Sikh architectural style, with its rich history in gurdwaras, forts, and palaces, by S.S. Bhatti.


Discover the captivating history and architecture of Samman Burj, the octagonal Mughal marvel in Lahore Fort, known for its royal and administrative legacy.

The Sikh Encyclopedia

This website based on Encyclopedia of Sikhism by Punjabi University , Patiala by Professor Harbans Singh.