VAR SRI GURU GOBIND SINGH Jl KI, also known as Jarignama Bhangani, is an account in Punjabi verse of Guru Gobind oSingh`s battle at Bhangani, near Paonta, in AD 1688, with some of the surrounding hill chiefs supported by the Mughal authority in Delhi. The poem comprises thirty-two cantos of unequal length written in Nishani metre. An old manuscript of this work of unknown authorship was said to have been in Bhai Kahn Singh Library at Nabha but the text is now available in printed form in an anthology entitled Prachin Varan te Jangname, published by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, Amritsar, in 1950. The Var opens with Emperor Aurangzib telling his court about the letters exchanged between him and Guru Gobind Singh.
GOSHTAN MIHARVAN JI KIAN, by Sodhi Hariji (d. 1696), is a biography of the author`s father, Sodhi Miharban, written in anecdotal style of the janam sdkhis. Biographical details, however, are sparse; the work mainly contains theological discourses of Sodhi Miharban and his interpretations of gurbdm, the sacred utterances of the Gurus. The author describes Miharban as an incarnation of Shukdeva, a mythological Hindu sage, who was reborn (as Miharban) with the sole aim of explaining the gurbdm. The exposition presented is however Hariji`s own and does not always conform to Sikh principles and beliefs.
NANAK VIJAI, more properly known as Sn Guru Nanak Vijai, in manuscript, is a narration in verse of the events of Guru Nanak`s life. During his journeys across the country and outside, Guru Nanak met a variety of people whom he won over by his gentle and persuasive manner. This explains the title of the work Ndnak Vijai, which literally means "Victory of Nanak." The author, Sant Ren, originally from Kashmir, had settled down in the Punjab towards the end of his life. He was born in AD 1741 at Srinagar in a Gaur Brahman family.
Var Patshahl Dasvin Ki, ballad in Punjabi by an unknown poet who describes, Guru Gobind Singh\'s battle against the combinded forces of hill rajas and the Mughal faujdar Rustam Khan. The poet has not mentioned where and when the action took place the names of the Mughal commander Rustam Khan and his brother Himmat Khan mentioned in the Var indicate that it was the battle of Nirmohgarh, fought in 1700. The Var opens with a supplicatory verse where after the poet straightway begins the narrative. Rustam Khan has arrived at the head of a Mughal host with the proclaimed hiect of routing the Guru and his Sikhs.
GOSTI BABA NANAK, lit. the discourses of Baba [Guru] Nanak dictated by Hariji, son of Sodhi Miharban, is an unpublished and incomplete work (MS. No. 2306) preserved in the Sikh History Research Department at the Khalsa College at Amritsar, comprising 235 folios and 23 complete and two, one in the beginning and the other at the end, incomplete gostis.
PARCHI (plural parchtdn), Punjabized form of the Sanskrit noun parichaya which means introduction, evidence or an anecdote bearing witness to the miraculous powers of a prophet or seer. The term was applied to the form of Punjabi writing developed in the seventeenth century to present the life stories of the Gurus, saints and bhaktas. Even mythical characters such as Dhru and Prahlad were not beyond the purveiw of the genre. The word parchi is sometimes used synonymously with sdkht, but there is a shade of distinction between the two. Whereas sdkhi is a popular coinage denoting the account of an event from the life of a saint or prophet, parchi essentially refers to the form.
WAJAB UL-ARZ, lit. a properly petition, is a section of Sikhan di Bhagat Mala, also known as Gursikkhan di Bhagatmal, a manuscript in Punjabi, Gurmukhi script, attributed to Bhai Mani Singh (d. 1737) the martyr, who had received the rites of initiation at the hands of Guru Gobind Singh himself. Three copies of the manuscript were preserved in the Sikh Reference Library at Amritsar under No. 7398, No. 6140 and No. 751 until these perished during operation Blue Star in 1984. The printed version of Sikhan di Bhagat Mala however does not include this section. The Wajab ul-Arz also forms part of Bhagvan Singh\'s anthology of rahitnamas entitled Bibekbardhi, an unpublished manuscript of which is preserved in the Dr Balbir Singh Sahitya Kendra, Dehra Dun.
GRANTH GURBILAS PATSHAHI 6 (granth volume, book; gurbilas = life story of the Guru; patshahi 6 = the spiritual preceptor, sixth in the order of succession), is a versified account, in Punjabi, of the life of Guru Hargobind, Nanak VI. The manuscript, preserved in the Punjab University Library, Chandigarh, under accession No. 1176, is of anonymous authorship. The dale of its composition is also not known. The condition of the paper, the formation of the letters and the style of writing point to a comparatively recent date. The manuscript comprises 135 folios, each folio having 30 (fifteen + fifteen) lines.
ZINDAGI NAMAH, a book of pious poetry in Persian by Bhai Nand Lal Goya, an honoured Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh, whose name continues to be remembered with affection and esteem. A distinction which uniquely belongs to him is that his verse can be sung along with Scriptural hymns at Sikh religious divans, an exception made only in one other case, viz. that of Bhai Gurdas. The Zindagi Namah is believed to be Nand Lal\'s first work of poetry which he wrote after he had shifted to Anandpur to join the Guru.