Anik Bisthar by Pritam Singh \'Safir\' is a collection of forty-eight poems. Safir is a major modem Punjabi poet who has eleven books of poetry to his credit. Safir is a romantic as well as a mystic poet. With romantic wings the lover-poet wants to fly to spiritual and mystic heights. His main source of inspiration is Gurbani and Guru-history. Even the title of this book has been chosen from Sukhmani by Guru Arjan Dev. The influence of Guru Gobind Singh\'s personality on his poetic sensibility is very deep. The artistic admixture of romanticism and mysticism has made him a philosopher poet by bringing depth in his thought and pithiness in his expression.
Baba Bohar (The Old Banyan Tree) is a poetic play, a long monologue. A tree personified is in conversation with the children who are playing under it; it starts with the contemporary situation in Punjab and goes back to elaborating its glorious past from the time of the Sikh Gurus upto the period of Independence, and ends with the narration about the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh. The play is important for its relevant symbolism and ample scope for imaginative staging.
Baba Bolda Hai (The Old Man Speaks Out) of Gursham Singh is a play dealing with the 1984 riots in Delhi. Gursharan Singh points to the people responsible for this ghastly act and criticises main the political leaders who, in his view, were the real culprits. The common man is the main sufferer. It is the story of a grandfather who became an orphan at a very tender age in similar situation as his own grandson now finds himself in. This confidence gives the drama a poetic subtlety. The play also gains importance due to its contemporary; references, recording of historical facts and representation of a form of \'direct theatre\'.
Chitta Lahu is Nanak Singh\'s first popular novel, published first in 1932, later going into dozens of subsequent editions. Rodu—a juggler—finds a forsaken child behind a bush, whom he adopts and brings up into a young beautiful girl, Sundri—the heroine—comes into contact with young Bachchan Singh—the hero—a devoted idealist very much interested in the reformation of his village. He starts a school in the Gurdwara for giving free education to the children, but due to his villagers\' conservative ideas about untouchability, Sundri is denied this facility. Bachchan Singh teaches her privately and in due course of time, they develop love for each other.
Chola Takian Wala (A Garb with Patches) is an autobiography of Dr. Harbhajan Singh—Professor Emeritus and an eminent literature of Punjabi. This autobiography consists of 30 chapters of varying lengths. The title of this piece is a symbolic one. The author has defined his life through a symbol of a garb which has patches. A hidden connotation of spirituality is detectable in this metaphorical expression. Dr. Singh has revealed the very secret of his success in life and has narrated artistically, a few significant episodes directly related to his academic and literary career. In his childhood, the untimely death of his father and then of his mother, made him lonely and isolated.
GURMAT MARTAND, by Bhai Kahn Singh, is a glossary in two volumes of terms bearing on different aspects of Sikh religion, theology and belief. The author undertook this work, arranged topically as well as alphabetically, with a view to rectifying some of the misconceptions about certain Sikh theological and conceptual doctrines and notions which had crept in as a result of ignorance of some chroniclers and the general inability of Sikhs to comprehend clearly and correctly the meaning of the canonical texts.
Nankayan (Life of Nanak) by Mohan Singh \'Mahir\' is commissioned work written at the behest of Punjabi University to mark the 500th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak. Professor \'Mahir\' earned this distinction after he wrote Nankayan (Nankayan). He has yet another distinction of ushering in what has come to be known as modernism in Punjabi poetry. The epic tells the story of the founder of Sikhism based on several medieval sources like Puratan Janam Sakhi, Meharban di Janam Sakhi, the first var of Bhai Gurdas and others.
PUNJAB IN 1839-40, THE, edited by Ganda Singh and published by the Sikh History Society, Amritsar/Patiala, 1952, is a compilation of selections from the Punjab Akhbdrs, Punjab intelligence reports, etc., reproducing stray newsletters of interest from Lahore, Peshawar, Kabul, Kashmir, etc., and extracts from the Punjab intelligence reports pertaining to certain events in the Punjab. The Akhbdrs, originally written in Persian and translated into English for the benefit of British officers, contain vital information on events in the Punjab during the historic seventeen months they relate to.