GURMAT PRACHARAK LARI (series of books to propagate the Sikh way of life) was founded in 1919 at Rawalpindi by Giani Sher Singh, an adept in traditional Sikh learning and an influential political leader. In this series, Giani Sher Singh planned to publish one book every month in Punjabi and one book every quarter in Urdu on Sikh history and theology or presenting in simple translation portions of the gurbdm. The first book in this category was Giani Sher Singh`s own Guru Granth ie Panth, published in December 1919.
To ensure regularity in publication, Giani Sher Singh acquired a printing press and appointed for its management Bhai Nanak Singh, who later rose to fame as a Punjabi novelist. For more efficient functioning, he shifted the headquarters from Rawalpindi to Lahore, but work for the Gurmat Pracharak Lari could not be sustained for more than a few months. Soon after the launching of the series, the Gurdwara Reform movement started and Giani Sher Singh drifted into active politics.
Besides Gum Granth te Panth, other books issued in the series were Dharam Darpan, in three parts; an exposition of Asd di Vdr; Khande di Dhdr, a biography of Guru Hargobind; Deg Teg da Mdlak, a biography of Guru Gobind Singh; and Nilnem Satik, exposition of the barns that every Sikh is enjoined to recite daily, namely Japu,Jdp Sahib, Savaiye, Chaupdi, Anand Sahib, Rahrdsi and Kirtan Sohild.