Nankayan (Life of Nanak) by Mohan Singh \'Mahir\' is commissioned work written at the behest of Punjabi University to mark the 500th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak. Professor \'Mahir\' earned this distinction after he wrote Nankayan (Nankayan). He has yet another distinction of ushering in what has come to be known as modernism in Punjabi poetry. The epic tells the story of the founder of Sikhism based on several medieval sources like Puratan Janam Sakhi, Meharban di Janam Sakhi, the first var of Bhai Gurdas and others.
PUNJAB IN 1839-40, THE, edited by Ganda Singh and published by the Sikh History Society, Amritsar/Patiala, 1952, is a compilation of selections from the Punjab Akhbdrs, Punjab intelligence reports, etc., reproducing stray newsletters of interest from Lahore, Peshawar, Kabul, Kashmir, etc., and extracts from the Punjab intelligence reports pertaining to certain events in the Punjab. The Akhbdrs, originally written in Persian and translated into English for the benefit of British officers, contain vital information on events in the Punjab during the historic seventeen months they relate to.
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