PRIKHIA PRAKARAN (printed = test; prakaran = part or fragment) by Pandit Tara Singh Narotam is a small tract, bound with the author`s more famous Gurumat Nimaya Sdgar, endevouring to establish the authenticity or otherwise of the authorship of the various Sikh texts including the Guru Granth Sahib, the Dasam Granth, Prdn SangK, Janam Sdkhi Bhdl Bald, Prem Sumdrag, Makke di Gosti, Varan by Bhai Gurdas, hukamndmds, etc.
He analyses the texts of these volumes and determines the authorship of each on the basis of internal evidence. A text which has either the signature or stamp of the Gurus or came into vogue in their time is considered authentic. The entire Guru Granth Sahib as well as the Dasam Granth is authentic, but Nasihat Ndmah, attributed to Guru Nanak, and Prem Sumdrag to Guru Gobind Singh are pronounced apocryphal works. Similarly, Tara Singh delcares that Sarab Loh, Paintis Achharl, Mukti Mdrg, Chhakkd, Sdkhi Gurbakhsh Singh are not the works of Guru Gobind Singh.