PANJAB ON THE EVE OF FIRST SIKH WAR, edited by Hari Ram Gupta, comprises abstracts of letters written daily by British intelligencers mainly from Lahore during the period 30 December 1843 to 31 October 1844. These newsletters constitute an important primary source on the period they pertain to. Maharaja Duleep Singh, then a minor, sat on the throne of the Punjab, with Hira Singh as his Wazir. The reports provide information about the power Hira Singh exercised, the activities of his adviser, Pandit Jalla, external policies of the Lahore kingdom and the state of the Sikh army.
SIKH YUDDHER ITIHAS O MAHARAJA DULEEP SINGH, by Barodakanta Mitra, is a brief narrative in Bengali of the fall of the Sikh kingdom and of the career of the deposed sovereign Duleep Singh. Published in Calcutta in AD 1893, the monograph made use of the official records and other primary sources, besides relying heavily on a number of secondary works such as those of Cunningham, Bell, Smyth and Stein bach. Broadly, the volume can be divided into two sections, the first dealing with the Anglo Sikh wars which, in the opinion of the author, marked the "most decisive event" in the nineteenth century history of India, and the second devoted to the life of Maharaja Duleep Singh.
BACHITRA NATAK (bachitra = marvellous, wondrous + natak = drama, play) is the name given a complex of compositions, commonly attributed to Guru Gobind Singh, the Tenth Guru or prophet teacher of the Sikh faith, assembled in his book, the Dasam Granth: hence, the name dasam (tenth) granth (book), i.e. Book of the Tenth Master to distinguish it from the earlier work, the Adi (first, primary or original) Granth, now venerated as Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The most familiar section of compositions collectively called Bachitra Natak Granth is the Bachitra Natak itself, some of the others being Chandi Chritra Ukti Bilas, Chandi Chritra, Var Sri Bhagauti Ji Ki (or Chandi di Var), Gian Prabodh, and Chaubis Autar.The composition of Bachitra Natak may have begun in 1688, at Paonta during the first spurt of Guru Gobind Singh\'s literary activity.
HARIJAS GRANTH, by Bhai Darbari, is a collection of verse the first part (ff. 1530) of which is, in imitation of the Guru Granth Sahib, cast in rdgas, totalling thirty-four in number, adding Malkauns, Malva and Hindol to the thirty-one employed in the Sikh Scripture. The only known manuscript of the Harijas Granth, comprising 918 folios, which has so far remained unpublished and which was, according to internal evidence (f. 760), completed on Thursday, Jeth vadi 13, 1860 Bk/20 May 1803, is preserved in the Gurdwara Bhai Darbari at the village of Vairoke in Faridkot district. Bhai Darbari was a follower of Bhai Abhai Ram who was fifth in the line from Baba Miharban, leader of the schismatic Mina group of the Sikhs, and who later received the rites of Sikh baptism at the hands of Guru Gobind Singh and came to be known as Abhai Singh. The Harijas Granth begins with the Sikh Mul Mantra, here recorded in a somewhat changed order.
SRI GUR PRATAP SURAJ GRANTH, Bhai Santokh Singh`s monumental work in Braj verse portraying in comprehensive detail the lives of the Ten Gurus of the Sikh faith and the career of Banda Singh Bahadur. Besides being an historical narrative of great significance, it is an outstanding creation in the style epic, and is the most voluminous of all poetic compositions in Hindi/Punjabi literature. Its language is Braj Bhasa which was the literary Hindi of that time though its script is Gurmukhi. Notwithstanding certain drawbacks which scholars with training in modern historiography may point out, it remains the most valuable source book on Sikh history of the period of the Gurus and, indeed, on the very roots of the entire Sikh tradition.
BHAGATRATNAVALI, also known as Sikhan di Bhagatmal or Sikhan di Bhagatmala or Bhagatavali is a tika or exposition, in Punjabi prose, of a Var (no.ll) from Bhai Gurdas`s Varan. The Var con tains a roster of the names of some of the Sikhs of the time of the first six Gurus, Guru Nanak to Guru Hargobind, without giving any details about how they got initiated into the Sikh faith or about their careers. The Bhagat Ratnavali, attributed to Bhai Mani Singh (q.v.), attempts to supply these. The name of Bhai Mani Singh occurs at several places in the text in the third person which makes it doubtful if he is the author.
JOTI BIGAS is the joint title of two poetic compositions, one in Persian and the other in Punjabi, by Bhai Nand Lal Goya, a devoted Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh, much revered in Sikh piety and in letters. Bhai Nand Lal`s verse is classed as approved Sikh canon and can be recited at religious assemblies along with the hymns of the Gurus. Both the works included mJoti Bigds are in the nature of a fervent homage to the Gurus, all ten of whom are acclaimed as sharing the same light, the same voice speaking through ten bodies. The work in Punjabi comprises forty-three couplets whereas the one in Persian has 175 couplets.
SRI GUR SOBHA, a poetical work, part eulogy and part history, is an admixture of Braj and eastern Punjabi, by Sainapati who enjoyed Guru Gobind Singh`s patronage for several years. The work, which had remained unknown to scholars of the recent period, was rediscovered by Akali Kaur Singh and published through Bhai Nanak Singh Kirpal Singh Hazuria, Amritsar, in December 1925. Another edition was brought out by Dr Ganda Singh (Punjabi University, Patiala, 1967). Two copies of the manuscript existed in the Sikh Reference Library, Amritsar, which were destroyed in, the Army action in 1984. In Sn GurSobha the poet o uses neither his name nor penname.
Chola Takian Wala (A Garb with Patches) is an autobiography of Dr. Harbhajan Singh—Professor Emeritus and an eminent literature of Punjabi. This autobiography consists of 30 chapters of varying lengths. The title of this piece is a symbolic one. The author has defined his life through a symbol of a garb which has patches. A hidden connotation of spirituality is detectable in this metaphorical expression. Dr. Singh has revealed the very secret of his success in life and has narrated artistically, a few significant episodes directly related to his academic and literary career. In his childhood, the untimely death of his father and then of his mother, made him lonely and isolated.