NANAK PRAKASH, by Bhai Mahendranath Bose, is a biography of Guru Nanak in the Bengali language. The author was a follower of Keshabchandra Sen, and the followers of Sen used the word Bhai or Rev. Bhai for one another to convey a sense of close kinship and brotherhood. He had lived in the Punjab in 1871 in connection with his missionary work, and had learnt Punjabi and acquainted himself with Sikh literature. He planned to write a life sketch of Guru Nanak and began serializing his account in the Bengali journal Dharmatatva (July 1883). Interrupting the series, he started work on a book Nanak Prakdsh, the first part of which was published in 1885 and the second in 1893.
RANI RAJINDRAMATI CHARITRA by Sahib Singh Mrigind is a versified account (charitra = character; portrayal) in Braj (Gurmukhi characters) of Queen (rdm== queen) Jindan, the wife of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, here referred to as Rajindramati. Sahib Singh Mrigind (c. 1800-1876) who later became the court poet in the princely state of Jind, served the Sikh Darbar in the early years of his life, but had to leave Lahore following differences with Rani Jindari (Jind Kaur), widow of the Sikh sovereign. Because of his personal grudge against her and because of his loyalty to the Jind rulers who were pro-British, he presents the Rani in very poor light
AJAT SAGAR, by Surjan Das Ajat, is the religious book of the Ajatpanthi sect of the Udasis. Written in AD 1851, the only known manuscript of the work was available in the Sikh Reference Library, Amritsar, until it perished during the Blue Star action in the holy premises in 1984. The author Surjan Das (father: Bagh Singh, mother: Gulab Devi, a disciple of Sant Tahil Das who was in the Bhagat Bhagvanie sect of the Udasis, established his gaddi at Ajneval, in Gujrariwala district, now in Pakistan. Surjan Das preached the ideal of a casteless (a = without; Jat = caste) society and thus came to be called Ajat and his followers Ajatpanthi.
GUR KIRAT PRAKASH, by Vir Singh Bal, is a versified account of the lives of the first nine of the ten Gurus or spiritual teachers of the Sikh panth. Written in Braj, Gurmukhi characters, the work was completed in 1891 Bk/ AD 1834. The manuscript, two copies of which are available one each in the Punjab State Archives at Patiala (No. 682) and the Punjabi University at Patiala, has since been published (Punjabi University, 1986). The work is divided into ten chapters, here called hulas, each dealing with the life of one of the nine Gurus. The opening chapter on Guru Nanak comprises 414 chhands or stanzas, followed by one on Guru Angad (135 stanzas).
SANTMAL, by Bhai Sobha Ram, is an account in Punjabi verse, of the Sevapanthi sect. The work, still unpublished, was completed in Bk 1923/AD 1866. A copy of the manuscript is preserved in Dera Bhai Ram Kishan, Patiala. This manuscript copied in Bk 1927/AD 1870 comprises 255 folios, each folio, 12/1/2" X 6/ 1/2", containing 16 lines. The work falls in the category of hagiographical writing and follows the Puranic style of narration.
ANI RAI, author of Jangnama Guru Gobind Singh Ji, was one of the numerous poets and scholars who enjoyed the patronage of Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708). The Jangnama is an account in verse of a battle on the banks of the River Sutlej in which an attack from the imperial troops was countered and repulsed by Sikhs under the personal command of Guru Gobind Singh. No date is given of the event, but a reference in the text to "Khalsa," inaugurated in 1699, and other details indicate that it was one of the last battles of Anandpur.
GURUJI KE SITFAN KI KATHA, lit. katha or story of the sutan or sons of Guru (Gobind Singh), by Bhai Dunna Singh Handuria, was preserved in manuscript form under MS. No. 6045 in the Sikh Reference Library at Amritsar until the Library perished in the army assault of 1984. The poem which, on the basis of internal evidence, was composed during 1`76065, comprised 122 chhands. The poet, Bhai Dunna Singh, had been with Guru Gobind Singh`s young sons and their grandmother since they crossed the River Sarsa after the evacuation of Anandpur in 1705. He accompanied, as says the poet, up to Chamkaur Sahib, where two Sikhs, Darbari and Dhuma, of the village of Saheri took custody of the family.
RAHITNAME, plural of rahitndmd (rahit = conduct, stipulated conduct or way of life: name = letters, writings, manuals) is a term used in Punjabi in reference to a genre of writings specifying approved way of life for a Sikh. These writings, enunciating conduct and behaviour in accordance with the principles of the Sikh religion contain instructions regarding personal and social behaviour, applicable especially to those who have been admitted to the Khalsa brotherhood through ceremonies by the doubleedged sword. Sikhism laid as much stress on correct personal conduct as on the purity of mind. Guru Nanak for whom truth is synonymous with God recognizes the sovereignty of conduct (GG, 62).