JAGIASI, also Jagiasu orJijnasu is a religious sect cognate with the UdasT section of the NanakpanthTs of Sindh. The word jagidsd is derived from Sanskrit jijndsd (desire to know), jagidsi denoting one desirous of knowledge, of spiritual insight. T`.ic members of the Jagiasi sect are mostly sahajdhdns i.e. gradualists, believing in the Gurus and following generally the Sikh tenets but not yet sworn as full members of the community. There arc however some who accept the rites of Khalsa initiation and wear long hair while some others add the suffix `Singh` to their names. Following the example of the founder of the sect, Baba Sri Chand, the elder son of Guru Nanak, the Udasts do not marry.
The Jagiasis on the other hand follow the example of the younger son of Guru Nanak, Lakhm T Chand, who was a householder, and take to family life. The sect flourished especially during the days of Baba Gurupat, known to be a descendant of Guru Nanak. He visited Sindh during Sikh times with a letter from Maharaja Ranjit Singh to the local chief, Mir Sohrab Khan. Baba Gurupat established many Jagias T tikdnds or seats in Sindh, including those at Khairpur, Hyderabad, HalanT and Kandyaro. His last will, dated 29 July 1857, bears the signatures of many a Sindhi Jagiasi and UdasT saints. The Jagiasis recite hymns from the Guru Granth Sahib which they venerate as much as any devout Sikh and, like Sikhs, reject idolatry. But they perform several Hindu rituals as well and they do not undergo Sikh baptismal ceremony,