MADHUSUDAN, PANDIT (d. 1863), eminent Sanskrit scholar, astronomer and astrologer, was son of Pandit Brij Raj, rajpurohit, or royal priest, of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Maharaja Ranjit Singh appointed him the dispenser of royal charities in the Dharamarth department. Pandit Madhusudan also officiated at the bi-monthly tuladans of the Maharaja which
PAKHAR, BHAI, a carpenter of Bushehar, who, along with his sonJhanda, as says the Bdldjanam Sdkhl, received instruction at the hands of Guru Nanak at the time of his visit to their town, and became a devotee.
SUJANA, BHAI, a warrior, was the devoted Sikh of Guru Hargobind. He fought with great valour in the battle of Amritsar against Mukhlis Khan in AD 1629.
ANAND MARRIAGE ACT was passed in 1909 by the Imperial (i.e. GovernorGeneral`s) Legislative Council to establish legal "validity of the marriage ceremony common among the Sikhs called Anand." The origins of marriage by Anand ceremony go back to early Sikhism. The practice which somewhat lapsed during the time of