SIDDHSEN, RAJA, chief of Mandi state in Himachal Pradesh from 1686 to 1729, became a devotee of Guru Gobind Singh. At his request the Guru went to Mandi and stayed with him for some time. The Raja later had the chance of playing host to Banda Singh Bahadur as
GALAURA, BHAI, a resident of village Chlka in the present Kaithal district of Haryana, became a devotee of Guru Tegh Bahadur The Guru appointed him his masand, representative in Hisar and Harisi, in which capacity he spread the teachings of the Gurus in that region.
LALA, BHAI, a Sethi Khatri, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. He was a talented musician and recited and expounded the holy hymns at Sikh gatherings. See Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI.24.
PAKHAR, BHAI, a carpenter of Bushehar, who, along with his sonJhanda, as says the Bdldjanam Sdkhl, received instruction at the hands of Guru Nanak at the time of his visit to their town, and became a devotee.
SUJA, BHAI, a Dhavan Khatri, was a pious Sikh of tlie time of Guru Arjan. His name is included among the Guru`s devotees in Mani Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala.
GANGA, BHAI, a Sahigal Khatri of Agra, was a soldier in the Mughal army. He once called on Guru Arjan. The Guru, as says Bhai Man! Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Maid, told him that it ill became him to serve the oppressive Mughal regime. When Ganga pleaded the need
LALU, BABA (1444-1542), paternal uncle of Guru Nanak and the son of Shiv Ram and Mata Banarasi, was born at Talvandi Rai Bhoi. He was the younger brother of Mahita Kalu, father of Guru Nanak.
SUJANA, BHAI, a warrior, was the devoted Sikh of Guru Hargobind. He fought with great valour in the battle of Amritsar against Mukhlis Khan in AD 1629.
GOLA, BHAI, a Kukk Jatt, was initiated into Sikhism by Guru Arjan. The Guru taught him to devote himself to the remembrance of God. See GOIND KUKK, BHAI