GILLOT or Quilette, a Frenchman, who had served in the French navy before joining the Khalsa army in 1842. He was entrusted with the task of training artillery recruits. He secured his discharge after two years` stay in Lahore.
GOMEZ, also known as Lawrence Goniez Allard, was a Portuguese. Hejoined the Khalsa army in 1842. After the Anglo Sikh wars, he was taken by the British as adjutant in one of the police battalions raised from the disbanded Sikh soldiery. He retired in 1862.
HARVEY, an English physician who was employed by Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1838, as a medical officer in the army. In the latter half of 1839, he fell sick and left the Punjab.
HEST, a Greek national, who, before joing the Sikh army in 1843, was the commandant of Hyderabad artillery. According to Carmichael Smyth, he was killed at Lahore.