KAMAL, BHAT, was, according to Bhat Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Pratdp Suraj Granth, a devout Sikh of the time of Guru Nanak. He kept the Guru company at Kanarpur during his last years, and earned merit by his humility and devotion.
KIRTIA, BHAI, later Kirat Singh (d. 1705), son of Bhai Gurdas, a Sikh who had served Guru Tegh Bahadur, joined the retinue of Guru Gobind Singh as a young man. He received amrit, i.e. initiatory rites of the Khalsa, and became Kirat Sirigli. He fell a martyr in the
KUKO, BHAI, a Vadhavan Khatri, and his son, Ananta, according to Bhai Man! Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Maid, received instruction at the hands of Guru Hargobind (1595-1644). Both father and son were also trained in the martial arts and formed part of the Guru`s retinue.
KULLA, BHAI, a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. He once had the chance of listening to the Guru`s instruction distinguishing a gurmukh from a manmukh. See Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI. 18
JAGSI, BHAI, a resident of Fatchpur, was a devoted Sikh of Guru Arjan`s time. He, as says Bhai Man! Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid, once proposed to the Guru the names of a few living saints whose compositions, he submitted, might be considered for inclusion in the Holy Book
JAPA, BHAI, a Khatri of the Khullar clan, was a devoted Sikli of the time of Guru Ram Das. His name figures in the roster of prominent Sikhs in Bhai Gurdas` Varan, XI. 17.