JARASANDHA Jarasandha and Kalayavana were killed. (Gauri M. l, p. 224) Jarasandha was a terrible king of Magadha. Asti and Prapti, the two wives of Kansa were daughters of Jarasandha. When Kansa was killed by Sri Krishna, the daughters went to their fatner and wailed and wept before him.
KALI (KALIYA) (My Lord) gave new life to Kali. (Gond Namdev, p. 874) The Lord who has created the beings and controls their movements. It cannot be a great feat for Him, if as Krishna He subdued and surmounted Kali. (Asa M. l, p. 350) Kali or Kaliya was
BALABHADRA (BALARAMA) Hari Himself likes the service of the Guru, Krishna and Balabhadra meditate at the feet of the Guru. (Gauri Guareri M. 4, p. 165) Balabhadra is another name of Balarama, the elder brother or Krishna. He is known as the incarnation of the white hair of Brahma.
DEVAKI Blessed are you, O mother Devaki, in whose house there is Lord Kavalapati (Vishnu). (Mali Gaura Namdev, p. 988) She was the daughter of Devaka and wife of Vasudev. The tyrant king Kansa was her cousin. Balarama was her seventh child and Krishna the eighth. Devaki was in