BENARES (BANARASA, VARANASI) .....They have rosaries around their necks and glittering jugs in their hands—they cannot be called the saints of Hari, they are the Thugs of Benares (Varanasi).(Asa Kabir, pp. 476) He lives on the bank of Asi rivulet in Benares (Varanasi). (Gond Namdev, p. 873) It is
SHARDHA or Sardha (Skt. sraddha), a conscious positive mental attitude towards a person owing to some special development of a virtue or power in him, is closely connected with faith or bhakti, i.e. loving devotion to God. Etymologically speaking, it is a compound word formed by a combination of
BHAIRON, BHAI, a devout Sikh of the time of Guru Hargobind (1595-1644). Bhai Bhairon`s name occurs along With those of Sadh, Deva,Jhanda and Bidhia in a contemporary Persian work, Dabistani Mazahib. The author narrates an interesting anecdote to illustrate the Sikhs` belief in the One Unincarnated Supreme Being.