MANGINA, SETH, a rich businessman of Muxarig in Lahore, was, according to Bhai Man! Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Maid, a contemporary of Guru Arjan. He was one of the first residents of Muzarig who, along with their families, accepted the Sikh teaching. See Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI. 25.
NAVALA, BHAI, and his brother. Bhai Nihala, Sabharval Khatris of Palna, were devoted Sikhs respected widely for their truthful and hospitable nature. Once they called on Guru Hargobind and besought instruction. According to Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid, Guru Hargobind taught them always to remember God and
PRITHA, BHAI, and Bhai Kheda. both Soini Khatris, who figure in Bhai Gurdas` list of the leading Sikhs of Guru Nanak {Varan, XI. 13), first met the Guru at Kartarpur. As they arrived. Guru Nanak, says Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid, was speaking with his disciples. Pritha
SAMUNDA, BHAI, a seeker of truth, once waited upon Guru Arjan and begged to know how a bemukh was distinguished from a sanamukh. The Guru, according to Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala, spoke thus "Sanamukh is one who, following the Guru`s precept, rises early to make ablutions,
TODA MAHITA, BHAI, a Mahita Khatri, was a pious Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. His name is included in the roster of the Guru`s devotees in Mani Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala. He was one of those who performed dedicated service and received instruction at the time
BALA MARVAHA. a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. He served diligently as the Harimandar at Amritsar was under construction. Once, as says Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhari di Bhagat Mala, Bhai Bala, along with Bhai HamzaJa|ja, Bhai Nanon Ohri and Bhai Suri Chaudhari, went up to the
BHANU, BHAI, a Sikh of Guru Arjan`s time, earned the sobriquet of Bhagat (devotee) for his piety and devotion. Guru Arjan appointed him to preach Guru Nanak`s word at Muzang, in Lahore. By his kirtan and exposition of the holy texts, Bhai Bhanu, as says Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhan
CHATUR DAS KAPUR, BHAI, whose name appears in Bhai Gurdas`s roster of devotees of Guru Arjan`s time. Varan, XI. 20. Chatur Das received initiation at the hands of the Guru who taught him to be humble and, in humility, seek the company of holy men. See GARU, BHAi
DHILLI MANDAL, BHAI, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. Once, as says Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala, he reported to the Guru that he had come across verses using the pseudonym Nanak, but which did not seem genuine at all. Guru Arjan, continues
JAITA, BHAT, was a devout Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. He had received initiation at the hands of the Guru at Amritsar. Returning home, he, along with his companions, Bhai Nanda and Bhai Piraga, had ceased observing the caste rites and rituals. Their family priests chided them
KHANU, BHAI, a Chhura Khatri of the village of Dalla, in present day Kapurthala district of the Punjab, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Amar Das. As the Guru once visited Dalla, Bhai Khanu led into his presence a group of villagers including Bhai Taru, Bhai
MAYYA, BHAI, a Khullar Khatri, is mentioned among the prominent Sikhs of the time of Guru Ram Das. According to Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid, Bhai Mayya along with Bhai Japa and Bhai Nayya, both of the Khullar clan, and Bhai Tulsa, a Vohra Khatri, once waited