BHAGVANT SINGH BANGESARI was. according to Sarup Singh Kaushish, Guru kian Sakhian, the naik or leader of a large tanda or trade caravan. In September-October 1708, he with his merchandise was passing through Nanded where he halted to pay homage to Guru Gobind Singh. As the Guru deputed Banda
BHAGVANT SINGH HARIJI, BHAI (1892-1968), a lover of game, horticulturist and scholar, was born on 15 February 1892 to the erudition of his celebrated father, Bhai Kahn Singh, of Nabha, the creator of the immortal Gurushabad Ratnakar Mahan Kosh. Unobtrusively, and in his characteristically gentle and self abnegating manner, Bhagvant