MANMAT PRAHAR LARI (lit., a series to overcome heresy) comprises tracts written by Bhai Mohan Singh Vaid of Tarn Taran between 1903 and 1908, denouncing unSikh customs and rituals to which the Sikhs had succumbed. This had been one of the primary objectives of the Singh Sabha reform and a most forceful exponent of it was Giani Ditt Singh, a prolific writer and editor of the Khalsd Akhbdr. With his death in 1901, a vacuum occurred in the reformers` crusade against ignorance and superstition among the Sikh masses. Bhai Mohan Singh Vaid entered the arena in 1903 and attempted to fill this gap.
MOHAN SINGH VAID, BHAI. (1881-1936), apothecary, writer, collector of books and social reformer, was born at Tarn Taran on Phagun sudil, 1937 Bk/7 March 1881, the youngest of the four sons of Bhai Jaimal Singh (1843-1919), who too was a void (practitioner of Ayurveda or Indian system of medicine) of long standing. Mohan Singh had no regular schooling after his preliminary education in the Gurmukhi Vidyala at Tarn Taran. He, however, studied books on Sikh religion and history at home and learnt Ayurveda from his father and, later, from Sant Ishar Singh and Pandit Jai Dial.
PANJ PIARE (lit. the five beloved), name given to the five Sikhs, Bhai Daya Singh, Bhai Dharam Singh, Bhai Himmat Singh, Bhai Muhkam Singh and Bhai Sahib Singh, who were so designated by Guru Gobind Singh at the historic divan at Anandpur Sahib on 30 March 1699 and who formed the nucleus of the Khalsa as the first batch to receive at his hands khande dipdhul, i.e. rites of the two edged sword. In Sikh theology, as in the Indian classical tradition generally, panj or Ranch, the numeral five, has a special significance. Guru Nanak inJapu refers to five khands, i.e. stages or steps in spiritual development, and calls a spiritually awakened person a panch. The ancient Indian sociopolitical institution panchdyat meant a council of five elders.