
BHOG (which by literal etymology, from Sanskrit, signifies "pleasure," "delight") is the name used in the Sikh tradition for the group of observances which accompany, the reading of the concluding parts of Scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib. This conclusion may be reached as part of the normal and routine reading in the daytoday lectionary of a major centre of worship with a staff of readers. But in the mind of the community the word is very deeply associated with a complete, end to end, reading of the Holy Book without interruption which is called akhand path. This usually takes two twenty four hour days of nonstop reading by a relay of readers.

BHOG: Literally: it means pleasure. In the Sikh context Bhog is the conclusion of the recitation of Guru Granth Sahib). It is followed by Ardaas and Vaak (or Hukam i.e. command of the Almighty). Finally, after the distribution of Karaah Parshaad, the \'ceremony\' of Bhog is over. The Sikhs call it Bhog (pleasure) because it denotes the pleasure of reaping the fruit of listening (or reading) to the praise of the Almighty.

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The Sikh Encyclopedia

This website based on Encyclopedia of Sikhism by Punjabi University , Patiala by Professor Harbans Singh.