KUBERA , KUMERA (KUVERA) .....There are many Kumers (Kubers)..... (Sarag M. 5, p. 1236) According to Mahabharata, Kubera (Kuvera) was the son of Pulastya. Ravana was his half-brother. The city of kuvera is called Alaka which is situated in the Himalayas. Once he was also in the possession of
KAMALA PUTA Brahma, born of lotus (the son of Lotus) and Vyasa, bom of fish, performed austerities and became adorable. (Kanra M. 4, p. 1309) Brahma was born in the navel-lotus of Vishnu, therefore he is called the son of Lotus. In order to know the Lord, he travelled
MERU (SUMERU) There are many Karma-bhumis (action-oriented worlds) and many Merus mountains)..... (Japu, p. 7) On the mountains (Meru Sumeru) many peacocks dance when the clouds are overcast. (Nal M. 4, p. 983) I ascended Sumeru and came back after searching the Lord. The Lord who has built this
MADHUKEET (MADHU and KAITABHA) My Lord destroyed the -demons without the practice of devotion including Sahasbahu, Madhukeet, Mehkhasa..... (Gauri M. l, p. 224) Episode: Madhu and Kaitabha were two formidable demons, who sprung from the ear of Vishnu, when he;;was sunk in his sleep of contemplation (Yoganidra) at the
PURIS (Shiva Puri, Brahama Puri, Vishnu Puri and Indra Puri) Death will ultimately come in Indra Puri (heaven of Indra), Brahma Puri (heaven of Brahma) will not be there for ever;Shiva Puri (heaven of Shiva) will also come to an end..... (Gauri M. 5, p. 237) All the Puris,
SARSUTI (SARASVATI) Ganga, Jamuna, Godavari and Sarsuti måke effort to touch the dust of the feet of the saint. (They say: we are full of the din of sins and our ditt is removed by the dust of the feet of the saint). (Malar M. 4, p. 1263) In
Durbasa, the king Furu and the sage Angarai (Angiras) sang the Praises of Guru Nanak Dev. (Swayye Mahle Pahle Ke, p. 1390) The sage Angiras is said to be the author of many hymns of Rig Veda. He was one of the Sapt-rishis and one of the ten Prajapatis.
SARASVATI Shiva, the destroyer of many sins and the master of three worlds, wandered in several pilgrim-stations, but could not be successful in his mission. The sin of severing the fifth head of Brahma could not be washed off from him. Because of his action, the skull of Brahma
ANSA AVATAR (The incarnation created for a limited purpose) The Lord created the incarnations containing some portions of a god\'s power, who was thus absorbed in duality. They were like ruling kings engrossed in worldly affairs. (Var Gujri M. 3, p. 516) Several Purushas are Ansa Avatars, Who are
SANAKADIKA (SANAKA etc.) SANAKA, SANANDANA, SANATANA and SANATKUMARA (Sanakadika pertains to all these four names) Sanaka and Sananda (Sanandana) could not know the limits of the Lord. (Asa Kabir, p. 478) Sanaka, Sanandana and Narada Muni serve Thee and always meditate on Thee, O Lord! (Gujri M. 4, p.
Arun, the charioteer of the lamp of the world (i.e. the sun) and brother of Garuda, the king of the birds became a cripple on account of his past actions. (Dhanasari Trilochan, p. 695) Aruna was the son of Kashyapa (Brahma\'s son) by his wife Vinata. Kashyapa had two
BRAHMA Brahma bom in the navel lotus of Vishnu was called the son of Lotus. (Kama M. 4, p. 1309) Brahma manifested the hymns of the Veda but extended the attachment of maya. (Wadhans M. 3, p. 559) Only the maya of three modes came out from the mouth