LAL, BHAI, a chaudhari or headman of the village of SurSingh in the parganah of Patti in present day Amritsar district of the Punjab, was led to Guru Arjan`s presence by Bhai Langah, another chaudhari in the same parganah. Bhai Langah had already been initiated a Sikh. It was
GUJJARVAL, village in Ludhiana district, 30 km from the city (30°44`N, 75°43`E), has an historical shrine called Gurdwara Guru Sar Mariji Sahib Chheviri Patshahi. Guru Hargobind, during his tour of the Malva country in 1631, halted here and put up camp near a pool. Chaudhari Phatuhi of Gujjarval served