LAL SINGH, RAJA (d. 1866), son of Misr Jassa Mall, a Brahman shopkeeper of Sanghoi, in Jehlum district in West Punjab, entered the service of the Sikh Darbar in 1832 as a writer in the treasury. He enjoyed the patronage of the Dogra minister Dhian Singh and, when in 1839 Misr Bell Ram had displeased the latter because of his sympathy with Chet Singh Bajva, he was promoted in his place Daroghah-i-Toshakhana, which position he held until the reinstatement of the former.
LITTLER, SIRJOHN HUNTER (1783-1856), garrison commander at Firozpur, the concentration point of British forward movement preparatory to the first Anglo Sikh war, was born on 6 January 1783 at Tarvin, Cheshire, England. He joined the 10th Bengal Native Infantry in August 1800 and served in the campaigns under Lord Lake in 1804-05, and at the reduction ofJava in 1811. In 1841, he was promoted major general. At the outbreak of the First Anglo Sikh war in 1845 lie was in command of the Firozpur division.