DASAUNDHA SINGH, a Dhillon Jatt of Jhabal in Amritsar district, was half brother of the celebrated Baghel Singh, leader of the Karorsinghia misl. He crossed the Beas in 1759, and seized some villages in the Jalandhar Doab. The family retained possession of these under Maharaja Ranjit Singh, supplying in
SAHIB SINGH, a resident of Sangia Hill in present day Faisalabad district of Pakistan, was a veteran of the Khalsa army under Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his successors. After the first AngloSikh war (1845-46), he joined the rebellious band of Bhai Maharaj Singh (d.1856). He commanded the contingent of
DE LA FONT, CAPTAIN AUGUSTE, a Frenchman, who entered Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s service in 1838. He was appointed an aide decamp to General Ventura. Later, he acted as a staff officer to Colonel C.M. Wade during his journey to Kabul. He took active part in the action at Fort