RAMRAIAS, originally a splinter sect of the Sikhs, now comprise an independent group more akin to the Udasis. The sect owes its origin to Baba Ram Rai, whose name it bears. Ram Rai, who was the elder son of Guru Har Rai (1630-61), the seventh Guru, and who had
BALU HASNA (1564-1660), Sikh preacher and the first head of a dhuan or branch of the Udasi sect, was born the son of Pandit Hardatt and Mai Prabha of Srinagar (Kashmir) on 13 November 1564.. His original name was Balu. Accompanying his elder brother, Alu, better known as Bhai
PANJAB KAUR (d. 1741) was the wife of Baba Ram Rai, who after being disowned by his father. Guru Har Rai, for his heresy had settled in Dehra Dun. Ram Rai died on 4 September 1687. Panjab Kaur believed that her husband had not died a natural death and
PURAN SINGH. PROFESSOR (1881-1931), poet and scientist, was born on 17 February 1881 at Salhadd (Abottabad) in a Khatri family (father: Kartar Singh; mother; Parma Devi). His father worked in the revenue department at Salhadd, though their ancestral home was in the village of Dera Khalsa in Rawalpindi district.