JACQUEMONTS JOURNAL is an account of the travels of Victor Jacquemont who had been sent out by the French Natural History Museum on the recommendation of Cuvier whose pupil he had been "to study the botany and geology of India, together with liberty to conduct any other investigation that he might deem of importance."Jacquemont landed in India, at Calcutta, on 6 May 1829 and died at Bombay on 7 December 1832 as a result of abscess of liver. On his arrival at Calcutta, he was received by Lord William Bentinck, then Governor General of India, and it was with his help that he was able to visit both the court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the Sikh province of Kashmir.The Journal is divided into four main divisions.
KHUIASAT UTTWARIKH, a chronicle in Persian by Munshi Sujan Rai Bhandari of Batala, completed in the 40th year of Aurarigzib`s reign (A.H. 1107/AU 1695-96), edited by Zafar Hasan and published at Delhi in 1918. Sujan Rai was a professional munshi and had served as such under various Mughal nazims or provincial governors. His work became instantly popular. Numerous manuscripts of it exist in the Punjab State Archives, Patiala (No. M428); Bibiliotheque Nationale, Paris, France (No. 544); Asiatic Society, Calcutta (No. D156); `Aligaih Muslim University Library, `AlTgarh (No. 954/ 10); National Library, Calcutta (No. 183, Bb, 91.9); and elsewhere.