ATAR SINGH ATLEVALE, SANT (d. 1937), Sikh holy man and preacher, born in early fifties of the nineteenth century, was the eldest son of Bhai Kishan Singh and Mai Naraini, a devoted couple of Mirpur, in Jammu and Kashmir state. Atar Singh, originally known as Hari Singh, was adopted by his childless uncle, Mehar Singh, who had migrated to the village of Jore, in Khariari tahsil of district Gujrat, now in Pakistan. Hari Singh thus moved to Jore and joined the business of his foster father. His work frequently took him to Rawalpindi where he began to attend congregations at the Nirankari Darbar established by Baba Dayal (1783-1855) and then headed by Bhai Sahib Ratta (d. 1911) whose follower he became.
BISHAMBHAR DAS, a businessman of Ujjain, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708)....
BHAGAT- Bhagat has roots in the word Bhaj or Bhakt, which means divided (into self and the \'other\'; this \'other\' may be a god or the Almighty) or sacrificed (into pieces for some god or for the Almighty); hence, Bhagat is one who is devoted to some god or the Almighty. The word Bhagt has also been traced to the word Bhaj (to adore, honour, love, revere etc.). It has another root: Bhagvata (devotee of Bhagwan). According to Sikhism, a Bhagat is one who is devoted to the Almighty.
DURGA, BHAI, a devoted Sikh living in the time of Guru Angad and Guru Amar Das. His name...
PANCHAMI, lit. the fifth day of either phase {vadior sudi) of the moon. Panchami of the sudi, i.e. the brighter, phase is considered an auspicious day in the Hindu tradition, with some ritualistic observances attached to it. In the three Sikh hymns entitled Thitin/ Thiti devoted to the lunar days of the month, the point commonly made in verses on Panchami is that the people are too engrossed in the worldy pursuits to take to remembrance of the Divine which alone can bring real joy and bliss.Guru Nanak says that people are mad about the world and the creation made up of the five elements, and fail to understand the Incomprehensible Unattached Being.
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