VIDURA (BIDAR) O king (Duryodhana) who should come to you? I have seen such a reverence of Bidar (Vidura) that I like that humble person.....Against your milk, the water of Bidar is like ambrosia for me. His spinach equalled your milky food and the night passed in singing the
DASI-SUTA Ask Bidara (Vidura), Dasi-Suta (the son of the maid-servant), in whose house Krishna stayed. (Suhi M. 4, p. 733) The words Dasi-Suta mean the son of a maid-servant. These words are used with reference to Vidura, the half-brother of Dhritarashtra and Pandu. When Vichitra-virya, the son of Shantanu
DURJODHANA (DURYODHANA) Durjodhana lost his reputation and prestige; he did not comprehend the Lord—that Creator. He who causes suffering for the men of God, also suffers himself. (Gauri M. l, p. 225) The Lord shattered the pride of Durjodhana. (Bhairo Kabir, p. 1163) Durjodhana (Duryodhana) was the eldest son
The (Kairaus) Kauravas who had brothers like Durjodhana and uttered "everything is ours"; their canopy was spread over twelve yojanas (over 48 miles) but (in the battlefield) their bodies were eaten by vultures. (Dhanasari Namdev, pp. 692-93) The Kairaus or Kauravas were the sons of the king Dhritarashtra and