PROCLAMATION (1849), declaring that the kingdom of the Punjab had ceased to be and that all the territories of Maharaja Duleep Singh had become part of the British dominions in India, was issued on 29 March 1849 by Governor General Lord Dalhousie. Earlier in the day a darbdrwsis held in the palace inside the Fort at Lahore by Henry M. Elliot, the foreign secretary, under the orders of the Governor General. It was attended by the minor Maharaja Duleep Singh, seated for the last time on the throne of his father, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, surrounded by the British troops and his helpless sarddrs.
GUISE, WALTER (d. 1857), tutor to Maharaja Duleep Singh from 1850 to 1853 at Fatehgarh in present day Uttar Pradesh to which place the young prince had been taken by the British after the occupation of the Punjab. In contemporary records,he has been described as "a very good fellow, patient and attentive, of mild manners and gentlemanly appearance and demeanour." Before Duleep Singh was to convert to Christianity, Guise was assigned to instruct him in the gospel as well, and he was one of those who signed the register of witnesses to the baptism of Maharaja Duleep Singh. In 1853, Walter Guise received an offer from an indigo planter near Fatehgarh to take charge of his plantation as a partner. When in 1857 the Maharaja`s house at Fatehgarh was pillaged and most inmates killed by mutineers, Walter Guise was among the Europeans who lost their lives.
SIKH YUDDHER ITIHAS O MAHARAJA DULEEP SINGH, by Barodakanta Mitra, is a brief narrative in Bengali of the fall of the Sikh kingdom and of the career of the deposed sovereign Duleep Singh. Published in Calcutta in AD 1893, the monograph made use of the official records and other primary sources, besides relying heavily on a number of secondary works such as those of Cunningham, Bell, Smyth and Stein bach. Broadly, the volume can be divided into two sections, the first dealing with the Anglo Sikh wars which, in the opinion of the author, marked the "most decisive event" in the nineteenth century history of India, and the second devoted to the life of Maharaja Duleep Singh.